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Wcf review


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Below is a review we had done of the community. It's an in depth review of the overall site, looks functions etc. This was done by a review team on another forum. Am very pleased to say that is is a pretty glowing review for us. A few points mentioned I would also agree with but I know you all hate the look changing /emoticons/wink.png anyway full review below. Well done everyone you are the community and make it what it is keep it up!!!! This review is credit to you all so a big thank you for ensuring our community is a kind and friendly one which obviously canes across.

Here you are:

First Impressions

When I first loaded up the website I found that it loaded incredibly quick! I also felt like the skin doesn't have a lot going on. Whilst I am not sure how you could relate the theme to a forum about window cleaning to a style, I found it to be pretty plain. It was modern and clean (heh puns.) but I would have liked to see something that truly catches my eye.

Guest Outlook

One thing that I found to be super diddly awesome is this:

  • Post in topic forums and browse thousands of posts.
  • Work Opportunities - job leads that maybe in your area.
  • Communicate privately with other cleaners.
  • Post your own photos or view from user submitted images

I found this to be super refreshing because I find that I hate the messages that scream "PLS SIGN UP!" but this one was very well done, and if I was a cleaner would get me to sign up!

Around the Site

Home Page

I originally wrote this section with features to include, but then I realized that your website isn't really for information about window cleaning but about discussion. In that sense I notice that the place is lovely and lively and really makes me want to see what the all the discussion is about. I'd give you a solid A+ on this category! Good job!

The Forum

The forum seems to be inviting, although plain. I do not mean to touch so hard on one issue but I find that the look of it does not add to how nice it is set-up. That being said, I found that the forum is very easy to manage and I know exactly where to go.


I found the `have you seen`pretty vague and I did not see much point in it being so. I found myself curious to click it, but I think in this sense it probably is not a wise move. Besides that I love how the navigation is quick and easy to use. I found that I was drawn to the `discounts` portion of the website of course. Good inclusion.


Banners and Logos:

I love the logo. I found that it gets the job done and is eye catching, but not eye distracting.I like the inclusion of the water droplet. I found that it really pulled the piece together and ultimately made it better than it would be if it was neglected.

Advertisements and Other Means of Making Revenue

I found it very obnoxious that the advertisement is placed before the content. It is very in your face, but I can see why you may be up for it. I like to see it placed more within the theme, or at the very least, at the bottom of the page.

Color Schemes and Styles

I find this the one place that not much going on, and colors actually helps your forums. I love the clean feeling

Favicon, Buttons, and Other Graphics

I do not see any custom buttons per forums. I know this is rather hard to do I understand but I think this is key for a few reasons. It makes your website feel more homey, it makes it feel like it's aged a little, and it also makes you feel like you know what you are doing. I'd love to see this. Not a requirement in the least but I love it.


I have touched upon this multiple times. Overall though I think that the fresh clean feeling is one that suits your community well. I do not have much other to say but maybe splash in a little bit of color.

Members and the Forum

Sense of Community and Participation Overview

The one thing I noticed right away is that everyone is super nice! I see that there is very little trolling and that the general aura is pleasant. I even have to say that I think this is one of the nicest communities I have came across so far.

Posting and Quality

I found that most posts include something of quality. Where like.. even I maybe want to get into the window cleaning business! I also am surprised at the knowledge of a bunch of people there, but I am not sure why that surprised me. However the posts were top notch!

Contests, Games, and Diversions

I do not see any games or topics related to off topic discussion. I now realize this is the "chit chat" section but to me it was pretty vague at first. I would consider making it well known or some other associated changes.

Staff and Management

I do see a bit of staff members but I see them interacting as normal users. I personally love this. I love the feeling of having the administration as "one of us" as a user.


Registration was simple and straight to the point. I did not have any issues. The website did lag a bit after hitting the button but I'll attribute that to me being from the US.

FAQ, Rules, and Privacy Policy

I found that the FAQ and Rules, and Privacy policy were a bit generic. This isn't really a fun topic to talk about being that it's pretty boring to begin with but I found that, for example, the mine-craft EULA is a fun read. I suggest maybe rewording things a bit more user friendly? Also the FAQ seems to not have been updated recently. Nor is it on it's own page which brings down my view of it a little.

Quantity of Staff and Activity

As I previously stated, I love seeing the staff so actively involved and that I do not see any undesirable. This could mean that either your staff is on their game or your users are easy to manage. Either way it is doing great!

Overall Impressions

Overall, I'd say that the forum is amazing, and doing great. It is on the right track to becoming the best, and I cannot believe how kind the community is. The only things I would improve is maybe a new style that adds a splash of color, and maybe updating the ToS and FAQ. I firmly believe that your forum as a future and will be epic!

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That's a great review. :thumbsup: Well done gav, and you are very welcome for all the quality posts I put out. :thumbsup:


great review ...well done gav the only way is up....keep an eye:specs on the opposition as they are doing some updating...

love it tolish...:rofl:

Can't I am banned!!!
Just had a look and it looks like it's coming to a

Bless em......

lol have to be fair though as much as I love the sound of that. Communities are funny things so hope it does not happen to us.


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