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Website builder and hosting


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Wix runs a simple drag and drop system, not particularly cheapen when its on sale to be fair.

You can get a web address and have it diverted to a wordpress blog that looks like a page but you won't get any traffic to it unless they type in the entire web address.

Website building is relatively easy to learn. You can get hosting for a few quid a month and normally that will include your domain name. The more you learn the more changes you can make to the site. Most hosting companies have a website builder but if you learn Wordpress hosting from the start you can do a lot more in the long run.

I know its a little while since you posted this but if you haven't sorted it already watch this video;


Does anyone who manages there own WordPress site bother to update the version of the theme they use? I have an update but looking at old threads on the net in 2015 it says if you update the theme you can damage your site.

Does anyone who manages there own WordPress site bother to update the version of the theme they use? I have an update but looking at old threads on the net in 2015 it says if you update the theme you can damage your site.
I updated mine the other week without any issues at all. I can double check but my theme was maybe 4-5 years old

County Durham Lad

Got mixed up with wordpress updates etc and theme, I didn't update my theme as it will remove all the pictures and just leave you with the standard theme and all changes will be lost .

Glad I didnt do it ?

Backed it all up though.. I wont bother doing it.

I have an SEO update as well but i am thinking of leaving that as well as it might mess up the current SEO settings


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