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I could. There's a special offer on at the moment too.

Just for the record that's not advertising. I'm answering the chaps question.

Sent from my iPhone using Window Cleaning Forums

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I could. There's a special offer on at the moment too.

Just for the record that's not advertising. I'm answering the chaps question.

Sent from my iPhone using Window Cleaning Forums

Advertising on the forum

As a result of our popularity, often users find our site a lure to advertise for free. This is something we now do not allow as we value our members and although a product or service might be very good we don't want our users spammed. If you're looking to advertise please do so via the official means https://windowcleaningforums.co.uk/store/product/1-advertise/ To clarify anyone can post links or details on a product/service but when it's a service you provide it's a little different as it is advertising of sorts. (indirect advertising.) 

Just because someone has asked about a certain product does not them mean you can replying saying things like "we have them here" or "give us a call we have some" etc. Yes, it might be helpful to this member and relevant to their question but please think for a minute about the bigger scale implications. the vast majority of posts on our forum are questions, imagine if every question was just answered from services saying buy here, contact us etc. The forum would soon turn into a mass billboard. 

When you're a sponsor you pay for a particular advertising option or position. This, however, does not then allow you to make these post all over the site. Ultimately anyone can post links but not indirect advertising of your own service. The only time we might allow this is if you are asked a question about your product specifically and a link or information about your product/service might form part of your answer. 

Accepted example:

Q. My (make) brush is Broken after one day how can I get the part to connect brush to the pole. A. Please let us know your order number. You can order another here LINK and we will replace free of charge 

Not accepted example:

Q. I am looking for a new brush that has XYZ where can I get it or which is best.

A. We sell several brushes that might be of interest take a look here LINK. 

Posts that are advertising services will be removed/locked or edited at staff discretion



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