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vehicle tax, avoid increase?


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Well-known member
Morning all,
just wondered, im just sorting out getting a years tax on my van instead of monthly, its asking for the rate now, not the forthcoming increased rate. Would this avoid the increase this year? and I guess paying monthly you wouldnt avoid it?
many thanks to anyone who knows, I looked online but couldnt find the answer
Morning all,
just wondered, im just sorting out getting a years tax on my van instead of monthly, its asking for the rate now, not the forthcoming increased rate. Would this avoid the increase this year? and I guess paying monthly you wouldnt avoid it?
many thanks to anyone who knows, I looked online but couldnt find the answer
ah no probs, its the same for the year doing it monthly anyway ( well, £15 cheaper if you do the whole year in one debit) but no increase in rate.
Find that if im fretting over road tax or anything like it my prices are too low,immediately i hike the prices up,if i was going to put em up by 2quid lets make it 3 .Raises the spirits same as dropping off a deadbeat or 2 . A recent policy change is NO MORE TEXTING the night before, Should have stopped that ages ago
Until you reach a locked gate.
as it happens i only had about 20 that i was texting-not any more! thinking back on it i was silly to start it ,putting pressure on myself,for what? texting gives folk a chance to say leave me out this time or worse still leaving gate locked so you only clean the front at a cheapo price .
Don’t take on jobs with access issues no key or code we don’t take the job on simple as that makes life so much easier
The crime rate might be lower down your way, but no matter where I clean houses a lot of people are more security conscious so lock or bolt their gates, I'm 5ft and shrinking so don't want to clamber up a gate to undo a top bolt, some of them are rusted anyway and impossible to unbolt, I have some that I text they take the padlock off but leave the top bolt in, I walk away and they get charged full price,

I don't why some just don't do what two of my customers do put a bolt on the outside with a combination lock on and give me the combination, although I'm much happier getting paid full price for just doing the fronts with a full days earnings and an early finish 😂
if there a a lower bolt what iv done in the past is [using a brick] dint in the part that the bolt slides into so that it no longer can go in .
as it happens i only had about 20 that i was texting-not any more! thinking back on it i was silly to start it ,putting pressure on myself,for what? texting gives folk a chance to say leave me out this time or worse still leaving gate locked so you only clean the front at a cheapo price .
Why keep people on your round who don't actually want your services? You'll get more messers in the long run, people cancelling after the clean. If they didn't want you then they're more likely to complain they're unhappy. Similarly it's much more awkward to be turned away at the door. I don't understand why people are bothered by customers cancelling them when they send reminders, just move some work forward and crack on with your day knowing that you've trimmed the fat and have a healthier round as a result.
Why keep people on your round who don't actually want your services? You'll get more messers in the long run, people cancelling after the clean. If they didn't want you then they're more likely to complain they're unhappy. Similarly it's much more awkward to be turned away at the door. I don't understand why people are bothered by customers cancelling them when they send reminders, just move some work forward and crack on with your day knowing that you've trimmed the fat and have a healthier round as a result.
im one of the types who carries lame ducks,its a real weakness of mine.MISSUS springs to mind,who else has done that? farkin hell u look good babe buTTTT
i dont think iv Ever had an employee for example who wasnt a lame duck! actually iv got one right now who i found out 6YRS AGO was stealing ]small sums] from my round . GET RID!! is the knee jerk reaction..........but think it thru,,damn good worker ,,,so instead ,i put in place a daily double checking system that put paid to the petty theivery and also kept back ALL the online tips that came my way -and prior would have gone his way..
You're one of the only people that looks at it like this mate. I think you sometimes forget that you've been in business so long. Most new people don't have this luxury. I'm at 8 years now and I still don't.
I did used to take that type of job on but not anymore I personally don’t feel comfortable asking staff to climb over gates in this day and age with litigation, and ime certainly not going to do it either so have dumped all jobs with access issues, we do have some ware we have keys or codes to get in . Each to their own but I like to make the job as easy as possible.