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What Meroman handle


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What handle do you guys prefer the bi component or the Moerman swivel handle.



I have a couple of bi components and a combinator I prefer the combinator I really wanted to know what the members prefer between the two handles thanks for the offer anyway.


I use both and I find that the bi component is better for the 10 & 12 inch and liquidator handle is better at 14 and above I have used the 14 in a bit component before with no dramas though

Cheers clisty I was using the 14 in the bi handle today I have a 10 combinator and preferred that handle looks similar angle to the Moerman swivel Handel.



The combinator is exactly the same as the swivel sans adjustment features

40° angle rather than 30° which is the standard fixed handle angle it seems

Never used a bi component handle but is the same angle as my ungers and ettores etc

I do however have 5 moerman swivel handles though now

And a nice excelerator or 2 soon to test out lol

Since jamming the bi-component in a vice and gently manipulating until I ended up with a 25 degree handle I prefer the feel of it over a similarly modded black swivel. The rubberised feel gives a lot of confidence and the shape feels excellent in hand. Bring on the Exelerator. It will combine the best of both handles plus a healthy dose of steroids methinks... :)

Assuming it pivots like a wagtail - and it looks like the pivot-point is in the right place this time - you could surmise old willie won't be getting much sleep.

Most people will happily toss their wagtails in the bin for an off-the-shelf product that has the wagtail pivot, is made to a higher quality standard and works off-the-shelf and since most people throw the entire wagtail channel and rubber in the bin in favor or a liquidator anyway, yeah...

Willie is f&*%ed. /emoticons/smile.png

Though the angle of the handle will made/break it - and seeing how Moerman now have the Liquidator 2.0 clips I wouldn't be surprised at all of they release an improved combinator 2.0, then an exelcerator 2.0 because they're certainly pumping-out the new products.

So like the iPhone/Samsung Galaxy 'new improved' mobiles, moerman will probably do the same; since they know how popular the Liquidator was/is, they'll hold-out on all features so-as to draw-out the product-lines revenue.

And we know, and they know we know, and we know they know that suckers like us will lap,



Because we all like new toys /emoticons/smile.png

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That's the thing the angle has 3 settings..10° 25° 40° so it can be set for whatever you need it for

Negating the need for angle adapters for a pole also

That's the thing the angle has 3 settings..10° 25° 40° so it can be set for whatever you need it forNegating the need for angle adapters for a pole also
Well then, that'd be the final nail in wagtails coffin.

And he can throw both lawsuits and tantrums all he wants; Moerman are bigger than wagtail, and Moerman will be raking-in so much money from the Liquidator, Combinator and now Excelerator they won't give a *% about a patent lawsuit :cool:

View attachment 7589

To safe anyone else a Google.

That handle is the same as their t-mop too and I like it better than any the other brands or Moorman handles I have for that matter.

Fat, rubbery and long enough to not feel good.

Litigation is nose bleedingly expensive. Moerman will not have entered this lightly. They will have crossed their T's and dotted their I's on this and I'm assuming (always a dangerous thing to do of course) that the patent must have lapsed. The finances expended that would make lawyers wealthy would be better spent on investing in new and improved design and if this latest tool doesn't motivate that, then nothing will.

When a patent has been allowed to lapse their can be no litigation

Perfectly legal
