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IMG_0794.PNG Alright everybody, I've got a quote for this. I've been told there the old Victorian sash windows and they've also requested for it to be done traditionally as the paint is flakey. I'm from the north east, what would you say for a single clean? Thanks RalfIMG_0793.PNG

Without additional pictures to go by I'd just say charge them a days money (whatever that is in your area)

These jobs are fiddly, time consuming and a royal pain in the butt.

I do a lot of houses in conservation areas and often windows aren't kept up to scratch, poor quality paint job and or loose puty.

Don't sell yourself short in this job

I hate one offs. Personally id just charge my normal hourly rate plus a bit on top. no idea how long that would take trad though

If it was a straight forward regular job £80/120 one off but as the frames are shot and it looks a nightmare I'd go at £240 and pray I don't get it lol!

The frames won't be such a problem if cleaning traditionally but the height of those windows are a nightmare.

Probably allow 2 hours and charge triple your usual rate. Any less won't be worth it for the hassle, unless your in need of extra work.
