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Which leiisure battery + charger


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johnny bravo

Well-known member
has anyone got a link to a good leisure battery charger they use for your WFP cleaning,

the prices are a lot higher than i thought , an intelligent charger ive been told i should get.

i will be charging manually when removing from vehicle at night.

to be used a few days a week,

best leisure battery. why are they all priced so differently

Numax 110 amph leisure battery


Mine is nearly 4 years old - bought in Jan 2011 for £85 from local motor spares outlet - ordered in.

Numax Battery Intelligent battery charger


also nearly 4 years old. Had to stick a drop of oil on the cooling fan bearings.

I had an Orange (in colour and name) 105 amph leisure battery before this which I bought from Cattrick Caravans in May 2008. It lasted just over 2 1/2 years and I paid £68.95

My son also had an Orange 85 amph leisure battery which also lasted about 3 years. His current battery is also a Numax 85 amp and its just about 3 1/2 years old and son in law has the same battery which was 3 years old last month. But I know that Numax will not honour a window cleaners battery guarantee, but none the less, we have had excellent service from them. (Other battery manufacturers and suppliers have apparently also climbed in on this 'no claim for window cleaner's battery's band wagon' as well.)

I'm not sure how Grippa Tank deal with this warranty issue as they supply and fit Numax (and others) batteries to their fitted systems.

If your battery is within easy reach then bolt this to each terminal for quick connection - you can't get the polarity wrong.


It looks as though it comes with this coupling anyway, so you won't have to buy an extra one unless you have a second van battery to keep charged as well like I have to.

My battery is tucked away behind the tank and not easily accessible without moving stuff. I have fitted a charging plug into the controller + cable from the battery and the other to earth. Easy to plug the charger in at the back door of the van.

The manufacturers tell us that leisure batteries have a different construction to starter (car) batteries. Hence the price difference.

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I have a digital flow controller by Cleaning Spot. (Costs similar to a good battery charger.)

It has a charging facility built in.

Never have to touch my leisure battery. It charges up when the vehicle is driven and disconnects from the car electrics when the engine is turned off.


Kind of. You never need to switch anything. You just use the controller like any other one, VARISTREAM etc. But as for charging, there's nothing to do. Its automatic.

im just getting ready to start using leisure battery with a water tank set up. always used backpack for doing tops , to make life easier than going up and down ladders all day long, great when your under 50, then you look at the high risks in slipping and falling, been up + down ladders for 28 years, the last few have been using backpack , so i do know the danger of falling from a ladder, especially now with the Winds we get.

so i am going to get a leisure battery, charger.

pump+controller set-up from purefreedom, all in one on a back plate, saves messing.

ive got water tank, just need tap.to fit in its a 350 purefreedom. just fill it with what i need .

got rest of gear.

i want it so i can bring battery + out of van at night, id cry too much if they dissapeared overnight.

cant rely on backpack for bigger jobs. but they do make life easier,
