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Will it reach ?


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got this job to go to tommrow i have got a clx 18 pole by gardner i know it hard to tell by picture its a three story place but not a full 3 story i call them a rabbit hutch homes will the pole reach any ideas ?

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I would use a 35 on that one myself so I could stand well back in a good working position

what size pole u reckon would reach this than ? can get extensions for gardiner
I would have also asked if they wanted the cladding cleaning too whilst I was there

Then their block paving, patio & conservatory (if they had one) as you do /emoticons/biggrin.png

I reckon 12ft to that satellite dish...25ft to the top of the top window...if he's a six footer he'll get an extra 8ft reach on his 18...26 ft...it won't be an ideal working position but just about manageable...

Best take an umbrela too as your going to get wet having to stand so close to the building.

At least a 30 as smurf said better to stand away and be more comftable. When i first started diddent have the gear standing tight to wall to get the reach get soaked all the scum and crap over you and when it hits you in the eye and it will it stings like shat.

There's no way that requires a 30ft pole!!/emoticons/biggrin.png A 22ft for definate would reach with a normal cleaning angle. Just not sure the 18 will get it or not, think it may come up short.
