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Windy Weather Up A Ladder


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I've found the stability of a ladder is crucial when also stepping on/off a flat or pitch ground floor roof. That's also why I use an ankalad & mircolight standoff resting on the roof with at least 3 rungs above to allow safe access. Which intern stops the ladder being blown over too.

So many comes a cropper when the ladder moves or gets blown over they end up being stuck.

My (& a few others here) ladder has got a permanent stabiliser bar so it would a hurricane to blow it over. Isn't there a temporary version Trads can buy to fix to their ladders for windy days?

I've had my combi ladder blown over before even though it has got a stabiliser bar fitted at the bottom. Mind you I was down a side alley with it set up as an A frame but a gust of wind still blew it over. Yet another man pants moment for me as it just missed my head when it fell /emoticons/biggrin.png

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My (& a few others here) ladder has got a permanent stabiliser bar so it would a hurricane to blow it over. Isn't there a temporary version Trads can buy to fix to their ladders for windy days?
A removable bar would be good..my short 3 section ladders has one but it is too wide for some little gaps

I've just fitted another new ankalad that I got from fleebay for £23 to an 11 rung triple ladder that I picked up locally in good nick for £25. Reason being I have a job tomorrow to do but at the back down the right hand side of the conservatory my other gutter clearing ladder with a built in stabiliser bar is too wide for the gap. That's the only problem with fixed stabiliser bars and you can't take them off either as the stiles are cut away to take it. If you remove the stabiliser bar then the integrity of the ladder is compromised.

My new lyte ladders have no stabiliser for that reason.

May buy myself another ankalad from fleebay for my 7 rung triples with stabiliser if it isn't too short for one..will measure mine against it (when I get it) ladderstore taking ages

I've just fitted another new ankalad that I got from fleebay for £23 to an 11 rung triple ladder that I picked up locally in good nick for £25. Reason being I have a job tomorrow to do but at the back down the right hand side of the conservatory my other gutter clearing ladder with a built in stabiliser bar is too wide for the gap. That's the only problem with fixed stabiliser bars and you can't take them off either as the stiles are cut away to take it. If you remove the stabiliser bar then the integrity of the ladder is compromised.
thats a bargain and a half :thumbsup:

I wonder if they can be basterdised to fit seeing as it will be a cheap fleebay one

I suppose what @norm is saying if you mess about with the integrity of the ladder in any way then have a fall it would be down to you.

I'll look into it as will only be drilling the same holes on the ladder as I would normally to fit it..

Well that 11 rung triple I used it for the first time today. All I can say is what a pain in the arse it was without a stabiliser bar at the bottom of the ladder. It still didn't bloody fit in the gap that I got it for. Oops! /emoticons/biggrin.png

That's another bit of kit I have now which I will hardly ever use. Will probably take off the ankalad and flog the ladder on fleebay:rolleyes:
