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Wonderful world of fiberglass water fed poles O_o


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hi not tried the fans yet but will in desperation when I come across that :turd: glass....
I had a 8mm barb to hozelock male on my backpack and straight away I thought thats not gonna last..

you can get a replacement plastic one easy but the 8mm to hozelock male was only available from one seller on ebay pure freedom...but they only listed the 6mm for sale saying you have to ring up for the 8mm so I sent two emails no reply and got a bit peed off as I didnt want to phone and then....

I spotted a double male hozelock in nice solid metal....so I got that. and also the easier to get 8mm to hozelock female got two of them and now hopefully all will be quite for a while..

okay I own up ...being two inches too short you have to pull on the hose even though you know what that is going to do ...its kinda instinct....so over goes my trolley and it landed on that plastic bit so me being clumsy really...on one job no joke four times I pulled the trolley over..:rolleyes:or was that frank....
I believe you can get them from toolstation

"and of course ...:devil:...fibreglass doesnt conduct electricity and so its oh so useful for cleaning solar panels safely once you get your certificate."Let me guess who you talking about:zipit::hehehe:
That will be Frank

and of course ...:devil:...fibreglass doesnt conduct electricity and so its oh so useful for cleaning solar panels safely once you get your certificate..:rolleyes:
it is heavy but it does a great job not so good as you go up higher and higher in fact...its bloomin dangerous at full extension especially if you try to go horizontal..

it doesnt wear out too fast either...

the main thing is to keep to your budget as regards the work load you have...

if I got that big job tomorrow I would have an slx 25 by the next day..oh arent credit cards good ...and of course bad...

The carbon poles supplied by Gardiners have a layer of fiberglass over the base section so as protect the user against electrocution.

The complete base section of the Phoenix pole is made from fiberglass for the same protection.

Just exactly how good that protection is is another story.


Even the experts haven't a clear cut answer. Pure water doesn't conduct electricity in theory, but there is always a danger when working near electricity.

The safest time to clean solar panels is at night. I don't know why the experts haven't discovered this yet.:zzz: /emoticons/biggrin.png

I find it difficult to clean a Velux window on a Victorian house with my slx40 fully extended because of the rigidity of the pole. Companies who clean solar panels like Steve use Extreme poles as they are more rigid than the slx c/f ones.

So i can't imagine anyone cleaning difficult to reach solar panels with a fiberglass pole TBH.

I have I think its 34 foot fibreglass pole, at full extension she is a bit bendy but totally usable, what I do on lower windows is not use the thin first section and use the next instead (if that makes sense) and two story work its very stiff.

Is it heavier than a carbon pole? yep, is it usable? it certainly is!

The only time I have problems is if I am reaching over something at full extension, so the pole is at a 45 degree angle or something, then she does get bendy.

I can confirm i have a 25ft fiberglass pole, it is heavy and flexs lots if working horizontal above roofs etc but better than not reaching the glass at all. When the business gets bigger will look for a carbon pole..

i agree i use THE BEAST which in plain terms is a 31 ft


now u know why its called beast gets job done and its all about the brush on end and the rinse to finish il be buying a slx 30 in may thatll be the job :)

I have I think its 34 foot fibreglass pole, at full extension she is a bit bendy but totally usable, what I do on lower windows is not use the thin first section and use the next instead (if that makes sense) and two story work its very stiff.
Is it heavier than a carbon pole? yep, is it usable? it certainly is!

The only time I have problems is if I am reaching over something at full extension, so the pole is at a 45 degree angle or something, then she does get bendy.
I agree!!

I have a 28ft pheonix pole facelift th red one, I think its really good. For ground level and the normal upstair windows on a house its ace and even the houses with turrets in it works well, but your nomal house with ground and fist its fine totally fine and good grip and pressure on the glass. I added the optional carbon 4ft extention to make it to 28ft and 30 ft when holding it. the carbon 4ft part is quality, its so ridged and works a treat for me, cleaning now with this is a dream on upstair windows as I use the 3rd part and the carbon part and its really ridged, with out it it would not be so good. So I am deffo getting a gardiner carbon soonish and have this as a spare, but its great to use and light enough. It is bending at full extend and not so great as you dont get the carbon performance, but the extra carbon part helps so much but having a full carbon pole will be great.

Its all down to the user, I no a guy near me whom cleaned a house and he has a gardiner pole and he does crap work with it, as the customer now has me to the job and is happy with the work, so make of that. I think a fibre glass pole is fine and does the job, but higher work carbon for me and I look forward to getting one, but fibre glass is so fine also.
