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Work shoes / trainers


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HMRC don't know what you claim for unless you get a tax investigation!all you do is input your total turnover and total expenses(cash basis self assessment)...if it was something you couldn't claim for then you might end up with a small fine,that's it.

I'm sure you can claim for it because my missus sister is an accountant and she said its fine if it's waterproofs for work.its not normal everyday clothing/footwear.
Good to know, will she stand by you in the investigation :ROFLMAO:
I had done the same for years but I've now knocked it on the head in the grand scheme of things it's only a few hundred quid a year better than having a tax investigation for a small discrepancy
Have you seen the tax return than HMRC receive? It's just a few totals in boxes showing income and expenditure plus capital allowances and vehicle depreciation etc?

Unless you get audited HMRC don't see the individual items that make up the totals.

Obviously we should all abide by the rules HMRC set. Some of the rules are a little open to interpretation.
Have you seen the tax return than HMRC receive? It's just a few totals in boxes showing income and expenditure plus capital allowances and vehicle depreciation etc?

Unless you get audited HMRC don't see the individual items that make up the totals.

Obviously we should all abide by the rules HMRC set. Some of the rules are a little open to interpretation.

Exactly!HMRC are not interested in individual expenses for each business unless your under investigation.he must have an accountant because when you do your own SA online it's total turnover and total expenses that we submit(cash basis)....

Anybody who is a sole trader window cleaner working on their own (and not VAT registered)and using cleaner planner,aworka or squeegee,etc really don't need an accountant.its very easy to do yourself online with the detailed digital records we keep.
Exactly!HMRC are not interested in individual expenses for each business unless your under investigation.he must have an accountant because when you do your own SA online it's total turnover and total expenses that we submit(cash basis)....

Anybody who is a sole trader window cleaner working on their own (and not VAT registered)and using cleaner planner,aworka or squeegee,etc really don't need an accountant.its very easy to do yourself online with the detailed digital records we keep.
He meaning me, I do have an accountant Best way to rather than flying on the seat of your waterproof pants,

My tax affairs are different to yours and every year I have had an accountant it has saved me more money than I pay him.
i like Adidas zx750 trainers for ladder work.Worst shoe i ever bought was Himalaya with oil resistant sole but it was like having a greased shoe on the ladders,had no grip
He meaning me, I do have an accountant Best way to rather than flying on the seat of your waterproof pants,

My tax affairs are different to yours and every year I have had an accountant it has saved me more money than I pay him.

You must be a limited company then....fair enough but for most one man band window cleaners there's no need.
You must be a limited company then....fair enough but for most one man band window cleaners there's no need.
Not limited it ain't what it used to be years ago, just switched things for tax efficiency for myself and my wife, because if they don't raise the tax thresholds I'll get bled dry

As will we all, just got to be a bit smarter although right now that's get increasingly difficult ?
could be a long reply here so, bear with me, last year my eldest son got married-it was a great day they only invited close friends and family now, one of sams close friends happens to be a tax inspector and, as you do, i had a few beers with alec and had a chat,- as you do being sam's dad did help a bit though,
i explained that because of my job i was kinda paranoid over being investigated ie window cleaning being known as a cash only way of working.
we chatted a bit more and he did admit that hmrc take a window cleaners or any other trade earnings as a national average but, do make allowances for say the south of england versus the north as in scotland.
the hmrc have two systems one an automated one when you send your tax return in and one human, the automated one highlights lets say spikes, as in a low turnover with high expenses- that could mean you are taking a lot of cash (and not claiming it) and claiming for everything going the system is also set for round figures ie ยฃ100.00 not ยฃ100.99 these figures flag up and a human then takes a look at them, it could mean just looking back through past years tax returns to see if it all looks ok,
you could have just bought a new van and then, broke your leg, thats unfortunate that you can't work for a while but its better to tell hmrc on the phone so it is recorded.
you could also get grassed up, someone not that happy with you prancing around in your designer clothes or your new car, that would get the taxmans ears twitching.
dodgy accountants are also flagged up with the hmrc they have like a mark against them so, they are much more likely to look at there clients affairs as well, its an easy target.
alec did say that, its ok to make make a few errors when claiming but lying does not sit well with hmrc, so, its ok to cock up and forget things but, lying no.
i do have an accountant a well known nationwide group that i pay ยฃ250 a year for as its linked to their accounting software (1tap) do a search for 1 tap its a very good bit of kit.
we chatted about my turnover and yes, cash:unsure: on a small scale they know it happens are not bothered as it has to be over ยฃ5000.00 to be viable for them to get excited unless you get grassed up of course.
alec did advised me to ditch the accountant and go back to sa, i'm small fish to him and as long as my turnover versus expenses remains within the limits and no-one grasses me up for my new fancy home and the lambo on the drive (i wish) i'll be ok he did leave one last comment, don't take the p155 and you'll be fine.
as it happens my brother in law who is a roofer was given control of the family business, he did build the business up and appeared to be doing well, staff and three vans on the driveway, its now coming to light that he's been claiming personal earnings of ยฃ250.00 per week whilst being a carer for his girlfriend who does have health issues,
disabled car too, he pays his staff cash on a daily basis and spends the early evening in the local pub splashing his cash and buying rounds etc. weekends away, all posted on social media plus long holidays again, all on social media, and yes the taxman is investigating as we speak,he's been grassed up we think, the stress of all this have taken there toll on my mother and father in law who, on paper still owns the business.i've learned through my youngest son that hmrc have gone back to pre-covid years versus his many bank accounts and have found that theres a bit, well, a lot of difference between earnings claimed and what is actually put in the bank plus state benefits etc.
Have you seen the tax return than HMRC receive? It's just a few totals in boxes showing income and expenditure plus capital allowances and vehicle depreciation etc?

Unless you get audited HMRC don't see the individual items that make up the totals.

Obviously we should all abide by the rules HMRC set. Some of the rules are a little open to interpretation.
No mate, but no point taking the pee when I'm fully aware of something, moving forward if I ever did get audited and I hope I never do I'll simply be honest and say I didn't realise my expensive work shoes weren't tax-deductible, which I usually spend decent money on won't amount to more than a few grand over the years, if that stops as of a few months ago then I'm good moving forward.

the money earned that is sometimes put on here plus nice vans and expensive systems etc really what is the point of putting a few hundred quid through the books for boots and coats just to feel like you are sticking it to the man, it's 1-2 days wages.
Some people really take the mick.....I know of a window cleaner who was claiming all sorts of benefits with a much bigger round than me,never paid tax or insurance,paid staff in cash etc.....he went to prison.never seen him since....

Window cleaning is not cash based anymore and all our bank accounts can be monitored and flagged up
Not limited it ain't what it used to be years ago, just switched things for tax efficiency for myself and my wife, because if they don't raise the tax thresholds I'll get bled dry

As will we all, just got to be a bit smarter although right now that's get increasingly difficult ?

Yes the frozen tax thresholds means lots more people being dragged into higher tax bands.

I earn nowhere near the 50k threshold for higher tax once my expenses have been deducted so it's not a problem I'll ever have.
Yes the frozen tax thresholds means lots more people being dragged into higher tax bands.

I earn nowhere near the 50k threshold for higher tax once my expenses have been deducted so it's not a problem I'll ever have.
I was in the higher tax bracket but not anymore as I changed the set up of my business to be more tax efficient
You can only claim for safety boots or shoes not ordinary boots or shoes

I put mine through aswell, I don't get the clothes branded either and put them through. Don't see why it needs to be branded unless they think I'm going up the town wearing clothes I've bought from workwear nation.
could be a long reply here so, bear with me, last year my eldest son got married-it was a great day they only invited close friends and family now, one of sams close friends happens to be a tax inspector and, as you do, i had a few beers with alec and had a chat,- as you do being sam's dad did help a bit though,
i explained that because of my job i was kinda paranoid over being investigated ie window cleaning being known as a cash only way of working.
we chatted a bit more and he did admit that hmrc take a window cleaners or any other trade earnings as a national average but, do make allowances for say the south of england versus the north as in scotland.
the hmrc have two systems one an automated one when you send your tax return in and one human, the automated one highlights lets say spikes, as in a low turnover with high expenses- that could mean you are taking a lot of cash (and not claiming it) and claiming for everything going the system is also set for round figures ie ยฃ100.00 not ยฃ100.99 these figures flag up and a human then takes a look at them, it could mean just looking back through past years tax returns to see if it all looks ok,
you could have just bought a new van and then, broke your leg, thats unfortunate that you can't work for a while but its better to tell hmrc on the phone so it is recorded.
you could also get grassed up, someone not that happy with you prancing around in your designer clothes or your new car, that would get the taxmans ears twitching.
dodgy accountants are also flagged up with the hmrc they have like a mark against them so, they are much more likely to look at there clients affairs as well, its an easy target.
alec did say that, its ok to make make a few errors when claiming but lying does not sit well with hmrc, so, its ok to **** up and forget things but, lying no.
i do have an accountant a well known nationwide group that i pay ยฃ250 a year for as its linked to their accounting software (1tap) do a search for 1 tap its a very good bit of kit.
we chatted about my turnover and yes, cash:unsure: on a small scale they know it happens are not bothered as it has to be over ยฃ5000.00 to be viable for them to get excited unless you get grassed up of course.
alec did advised me to ditch the accountant and go back to sa, i'm small fish to him and as long as my turnover versus expenses remains within the limits and no-one grasses me up for my new fancy home and the lambo on the drive (i wish) i'll be ok he did leave one last comment, don't take the p155 and you'll be fine.
as it happens my brother in law who is a roofer was given control of the family business, he did build the business up and appeared to be doing well, staff and three vans on the driveway, its now coming to light that he's been claiming personal earnings of ยฃ250.00 per week whilst being a carer for his girlfriend who does have health issues,
disabled car too, he pays his staff cash on a daily basis and spends the early evening in the local pub splashing his cash and buying rounds etc. weekends away, all posted on social media plus long holidays again, all on social media, and yes the taxman is investigating as we speak,he's been grassed up we think, the stress of all this have taken there toll on my mother and father in law who, on paper still owns the business.i've learned through my youngest son that hmrc have gone back to pre-covid years versus his many bank accounts and have found that theres a bit, well, a lot of difference between earnings claimed and what is actually put in the bank plus state benefits etc.

I guess you mean turnover of over ยฃ50,000.00 not ยฃ5000.00 per year!?
I guess you mean turnover of over ยฃ50,000.00 not ยฃ5000.00 per year!?
Think he meant evasion of over 5000 not total turnover. Not worth em investigating for anything less due to their own costs. Iโ€™m same as you and put anything thatโ€™s work oriented through as an expense. If they do pull you up on it itโ€™s gonna be a minimal charge anyway and will probs cost them more to persue it as long as the rest of your books are perfectly fine. I also do my own book keeping although I do use an outside source to sort payroll for my worker as implicating myself is one thing but I donโ€™t want to be implicating my worker as well.
Also I will add is that when I spoke personally to hmrc is that anything that you can prove is solely for work purposes then you can add as an expense although it seems like a bit of a grey area and is up to your own discretion. One of my custys is an accountant and does her fathers accounts. He has an import/export business and puts his weekly shop through and claims its supplies for his canteen. She warned him against it but he does it anyway. How can you prove otherwise but I suppose in hmrcs case itโ€™s a case if they say jump you say how high?โ€โ™‚๏ธ
HMRC will have a percentage range of turnover, for expenses, they expect from all different industries. As long as you keep in their range you won't be investigated
I was audited years ago my accountant said it's like a fruit machine all the names go round there's 1000s and if it stops they'll have a look.
He was a tax inspector prior to working as an accountant
I'm looking for recommendations for some work shoes that offer abit of support and are water proof.

Usually use cat protective shoes but after something that ways less and abit more comfy as I'm starting to get aches and pains. They don't have to have metal toe caps in either

If you don't mind buying new trainers every six months because the soles fall off then sportsdirect Karrimor trail running trainers are for you. Brilliantly waterproof but cheap Chineseium production flaws with the sole design and adhesive
Approximately ยฃ42


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