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Working out of side doors or back doors


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Reach For The Glass

Well-known member
Hi Guys

So going for a custom flat 600 tank from scargill. Just wondering weather to have outlets at the front to work out of side doors or at the back to work out of back doors.

Any advantage to either?

Thanks guys

Side door is seems the logical option in case somebody parks up your backside?

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We have ours going through the floor at the back doors and if we need to work in front of the van use free standing reels instead , I think it’s what you get used to using or personal preference my van has two side loading doors but personally I wouldn’t want hoses going out through them 

Are rollers expensive to have fitted for side reels? I assume fixed reels would be used here to.

Is it difficult manuly winding fixed reels inside the van?

Rollers can can be fitted back or side not cheap to fit I think by the time I finished doing two reels on mine it cost in the region of £200 . Providing you don’t mount the reels to low and don’t have to bend over reeling in is easy : a lot of people are now fitting electric reels Ime considering this myself but it’s something else to go wrong is it really nessasary ??? Not sure 

Rollers can can be fitted back or side not cheap to fit I think by the time I finished doing two reels on mine it cost in the region of £200 . Providing you don’t mount the reels to low and don’t have to bend over reeling in is easy : a lot of people are now fitting electric reels Ime considering this myself but it’s something else to go wrong is it really nessasary ??? Not sure 
It’s something I did consider myself, however, since having my reels fitted at chest height and rollers fitted by GrippaTank, reeling in and out is a complete doddle and very quick 
