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Yeh....very funny....


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who ever you are....i am gonna catch you....it may seem funny to you but i aint laughing....i know you are a traddy thinking wind up time....but i gonna sneak up on you and catch you in the act...i talking to the comedian who keeps tangling my hose everytime my backs turned...you know who you are...you should be ashamed....:rolleyes:

who ever you are....i am gonna catch you....it may seem funny to you but i aint laughing....i know you are a traddy thinking wind up time....but i gonna sneak up on you and catch you in the act...i talking to the comedian who keeps tangling my hose everytime my backs turned...you know who you are...you should be ashamed....:rolleyes:
Reminds me of many years ago when I was in my late teens / early twenties there used to be a gorilla get in my bedroom, always on a Friday or Saturday night..? He used to sneak in while I was fast asleep, chuck all my neatly folded cloths all over the bedroom leaving a right mess...and no matter how well I hid me wallet he always managed to find it and clear me out, and sometimes I think the dirty bas!?/d was sh!/!ng in me mouth cus I used to have the foulest taste ever on a Sunday morning..???

Still he's not bothered me for years now..?

in fact when I think about it the last time he payed a visit was the night of my stag night...then it all just stopped, I wonder why...??? Perhaps its because I have the wife next to me now he dare'nt come in the room....!!!!!

Just occasionally he manages to get past her...! but it is very very rare these days....!!!

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who ever you are....i am gonna catch you....it may seem funny to you but i aint laughing....i know you are a traddy thinking wind up time....but i gonna sneak up on you and catch you in the act...i talking to the comedian who keeps tangling my hose everytime my backs turned...you know who you are...you should be ashamed....:rolleyes:
Wait till you get a van mount cnc. The first time I used it my minibore got in that much of a tangle, I just picked the whole lot up and dumped it in the back of the van. Embarrassed was not the word :rofl:

yeh i am getting better with each day ...apart from the sunflower incident....bloody stupid tall things bound to fall over in the wind....and the trolley getting poled over..oops watch out for that pole....all went quiet well....

did the first one complete front and thought i could sneak over and do the babys bedroom over the road without anyone knowing....yeh.....:specs:specs:specs

cant get away with anything me....then i had to put up with mother and baby watching my every move...why me?

actually she is very nice and i explained thats the only safe way to do that window and she said it was a good idea...

View attachment 2742

babys room on right not really a good idea to walk on them tiles all though i have gone up from the side...too scary...but now banana to the rescue...:D

must add...did the rest on the front anyway because they all have angle grind splatter and are not bladeable.....

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its cause i a newbie...but....i getting used to it ...and it does get easier..you see they dont know im a newbie..but i do....and so i want to get as much practise as poss...and of course ...i will continue to check up on the result for a long time yet...so far...impressed...if i do find spotting...its a small amount ...and probably ..operator error...now sack the operator...oops thats me../emoticons/biggrin.png

yeh i kinda like to clean and go....and collect the money afterwards...peoples who needs em....they get in ma way....:rolleyes:.

The ones you got a tiny bit of spotting on, blitz their frames and top seals and i mean blitz em.

Then bang your pole or use your hand and rough up the bristles to get as much water off the brush as poss, and suck up as much water off the frames with the brush.

Then do the window as normal, but use the bristles on the brush to just touch the top seal so the drops on the seal get sucked back into the brush, then when rinsing make sure you get your brush as close as poss to the glass so no splash back and make sure the jets dont touch the top seal.

To make rinsing easier at height, just lift one edge of the brush off the glass and use the other edge as a rest. But make the edge that is still resting on the glass the leading edge so the jet that is off the glass rinses the brush marks off the window as it goes along.

This will save your neck and shoulders loads of grief bud

ta keir ..i hadnt really thought about it to be honest....i mean if you see someone do it you dont really look at what they are actually doing....i will read and re read til its all absorbed...only going to do one front tomorrow all leaded and of course once dry i will have my beady eye on it. i get the wfp out to wake me up....it does warm you up...

..but there is a lot more to wfp than people think ...thanks again ..your a great help...i do think its a defo part of my windowcleaning future ....i kinda liken it to getting me big screen tv on the wall after watching the old box in the corner...its the future and its helping me loads..cant wait to try it on certain jobs...especially the georgian crappyist jobs i have.../emoticons/biggrin.png

the more i read that the more i realise what mistakes i have made...i will use the keir technique from now on.../emoticons/biggrin.png

Yep your right cnc there is more to it than people think. You will master it just keep practising keep your gear in good order, upgrade your equipment when you can afford to, and it all comes together....

You will be fully wfp before you know it mate

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yeh i was thinking that ...its so different but..faster safer and kinda fun...bet you dont find it fun doing it all day but there is a great novelty factor for me...ahh but what happens in the winter..and what happens in the rain...good times ahead...many a day i have given up halfway through a house. but maybe not now:D

Cheap, thats just the way i do it. Everyone has their own way so dont get fixed on my way as it might not work for you 100%, but even if you nick one little bit and build on it your way like tradding, your own technique will be best.

Instead of re-reading i remembered i did a little vid on youtube when i was comparing brush to jetstream, the missus didnt get everything but you can see from about 40 sec in what i'm on about, you can see me banging the pole to shake excess water off too


Sort of, technique-wise yes but i'm doing my own windows in this so not rinsing as thorough as i do on my custys windows. I miss out the bottom corner completely on one window lol

But also they are clean to begin with so i am only rinsing brush marks off rather than cr@p and webs etc

And since this vid i have swapped to a swivel neck which forces you to alter technique a bit.



and dont put dog **** on it either /emoticons/biggrin.png
dogs **** on the hose or trailed up every rung of your ladder is got to be one of the worst things to spoil your day, then once the smell goes up your nostrills it bloody well lingers there's for an eternity. Rant over.


dogs **** on the hose or trailed up every rung of your ladder is got to be one of the worst things to spoil your day, then once the smell goes up your nostrills it bloody well lingers there's for an eternity. Rant over.
I take it you have never got cat ***** on your hose or rungs then??? Nasty nasty stuff lol

I was wondering why you rinse the bottom windows with the brush vertical @keir
I started doing that on patio doors because the centre of the glass would get missed cause of the jet spacing, but soon started doing it on most big windows as i found when the jets were stacked vertically the weight of the water sheeting down the glass made rinsing bigger particles easier.

I tend to still go vertical but hold the brush at 45 degrees so the jets are still stacked but slightly offset mainly because the swivel naturally put the brush that way.

But it can change depending on window size, how dirty the window is, which brush i'm using.

On the big long superlite medium mixed with 4 jets the vertical rinse is fantastic but so is doing the tops then sides and fanning the centre

How do you do it @Tuffers

I've noticed using fan jets with a high flow rate it sounds like I'm using a pressure washer. I also get some funny looks from trad guy's working in the same street too /emoticons/biggrin.png

I bet now @cheapncheerful will want to start waggling his hissssing python about to impress the ladies. Oh darn he has gone and bought the wrong brush for that /emoticons/biggrin.png
