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Cleaning on the inside?


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Hi all.

So one of my monthly conservatory roof jobs has asked that instead of cleaning the outside this month can I clean the inside of the roof. I agreed. She has all furniture in it so no way of wfp inside it. What's the best way to do it? I was thinking step Ladders, cloth and HG window spray and the old fashioned way. Could end up having a side neck though. Any better way of doing it? 

Be warned it ain't the easiest of jobs it will take longer than you think more so if it hasn't been done for years, are they glass panels?
Yes but only been built a year but she keeps flowers in there. 

Also there's only about 8 glass roof panels probably 100cm long X 60cm wide. Just didn't know if there was any better way of doing it? 

They will still be quite dirty, Trad tools will do, put some dust sheets down, there is other options unger do a kit and pads and cloths but that's all extra money for what might just be a one off job and not something you might do a very many of so not worth the investment in the extra kit 

Hi all.

So one of my monthly conservatory roof jobs has asked that instead of cleaning the outside this month can I clean the inside of the roof. I agreed. She has all furniture in it so no way of wfp inside it. What's the best way to do it? I was thinking step Ladders, cloth and HG window spray and the old fashioned way. Could end up having a side neck though. Any better way of doing it? 
I would politely decline.....your making a rod for your own back....I dont clean inside windows/roofs,etc....you could use the pandemic as an excuse....

You will never clean an inside conny roof again once you ve done one!??

Hi all.

So one of my monthly conservatory roof jobs has asked that instead of cleaning the outside this month can I clean the inside of the roof. I agreed. She has all furniture in it so no way of wfp inside it. What's the best way to do it? I was thinking step Ladders, cloth and HG window spray and the old fashioned way. Could end up having a side neck though. Any better way of doing it? 
Step ladder and trad tools. 

Make sure you adjust the cost of service.

Conny roof insides are horrible, some guys I know won't do them and pass them on to one of the bigger firms. 8 panels is small though so it shouldn't be too bad.

Make sure you charge well for it, it is going to take time and it will hurt your neck.

I always did them with a squeegy.

Hi all.

So one of my monthly conservatory roof jobs has asked that instead of cleaning the outside this month can I clean the inside of the roof. I agreed. She has all furniture in it so no way of wfp inside it. What's the best way to do it? I was thinking step Ladders, cloth and HG window spray and the old fashioned way. Could end up having a side neck though. Any better way of doing it? 
You thought of WFP for interior?

We use a karcher window vac on a pole to get the glass and my lad follows me round detailing and wiping the frames off a step ladder. It’s easy when you have the right tools and also beats workin outside at this time of year. Just make sure you charge extra as it will probs take at least twice as long as it does to do the outside. 

Conny roof insides are horrible, some guys I know won't do them and pass them on to one of the bigger firms. 8 panels is small though so it shouldn't be too bad.

Make sure you charge well for it, it is going to take time and it will hurt your neck.

I always did them with a squeegy.
I hear that alot about conny inside roofs.

What makes them so hard?

With proper tools and knowledge I think it would be a straight forward job.

I hear that alot about conny inside roofs.

What makes them so hard?

With proper tools and knowledge I think it would be a straight forward job.
Where to begin? They are fiddly due to the shape of some of the panels, often covered in black mould due to poor ventilation & infrequent cleening and full of furniture that has to be shunted around to make space for the stepladder.

They also require working above your head which is a real bu**er if you have a knackered neck.

I'm sure there are some WC who enjoy doing them. ?

Where to begin? They are fiddly due to the shape of some of the panels, often covered in black mould due to poor ventilation & infrequent cleening and full of furniture that has to be shunted around to make space for the stepladder.

They also require working above your head which is a real bu**er if you have a knackered neck.

I'm sure there are some WC who enjoy doing them. ?
Now i see why most window cleaners that I've read say dislike doing them.

Guess some just are spoiled with simple maintenance window cleaning ?

It's taking charge of my own destiny that's important to me. Deciding what I will or won't do. I made the decision from day one that I would not get involved in inside work.

My reasons  : I've always liked to be able to get stuck into my work with proper elbow room and nobody trying to get in my way, whatever I've been doing. I've had a variety of work types, mostly manual.

Get the job done, get the rest of the day's work done, get off home to get on with my life. I couldn't willingly be doing with tip toeing around ornaments and furniture and trying to make sure not to damage anything or get dirt on sofas, carpets etc. Especially with the likelihood of a housewife looking over my shoulder. Stay outside, and "let me at it!" kind of thing. ?

It's taking charge of my own destiny that's important to me. Deciding what I will or won't do. I made the decision from day one that I would not get involved in inside work.

My reasons  : I've always liked to be able to get stuck into my work with proper elbow room and nobody trying to get in my way, whatever I've been doing. I've had a variety of work types, mostly manual.

Get the job done, get the rest of the day's work done, get off home to get on with my life. I couldn't willingly be doing with tip toeing around ornaments and furniture and trying to make sure not to damage anything or get dirt on sofas, carpets etc. Especially with the likelihood of a housewife looking over my shoulder. Stay outside, and "let me at it!" kind of thing. ?
Totally agree. Insides are a pain in the ar5e
