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Anyone use a little camera on long pole?


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Unfortunately I have a few flats at height which is a real pain in the neck after a couple of hours ?

It made me wonder if a little light camera could be attached to brush and a phone used as a monitor just so I don't have to look up so much.

Probably won't work but just trying to see if anyone has tried something like a mirror ?
I think the weight would be a little prohibitive not to mention where to mount the phone/monitors it would relay the video to. As pole would be going up/down side to side!

I've used a cheap go pro on the end of of an slx to survey gutters to a Bluetooth a recordable Livestream on my phone but not the best and had to hold pole and phone in hands.

Best bet would be belay glasses that rock climbers use for the people belaying on the ground to save neck strain.

Google them or search on the forum. Been discussed recently by Spruce etc al.
I think the weight would be a little prohibitive not to mention where to mount the phone/monitors it would relay the video to. As pole would be going up/down side to side!

I've used a cheap go pro on the end of of an slx to survey gutters to a Bluetooth a recordable Livestream on my phone but not the best and had to hold pole and phone in hands.

Best bet would be belay glasses that rock climbers use for the people belaying on the ground to save neck strain.

Google them or search on the forum. Been discussed recently by Spruce etc al.
I recall that someone on here or the other forum had a little vanity mirror attached to their pole so they could check the condition of upstairs sills before. Be careful though not to be accused of voyeurism! ??
Unfortunately I have a few flats at height which is a real pain in the neck after a couple of hours ?

It made me wonder if a little light camera could be attached to brush and a phone used as a monitor just so I don't have to look up so much.

Probably won't work but just trying to see if anyone has tried something like a mirror ?
Ionics system sell a portable set up for poles, bit pricey but worth every penny.
One of the issues I would foresee is being accused of voyeurism. This was a comment that was made a few years ago on another forum, which I thought was pretty valid.
I have found with a gutter camera that it's not very good at focusing on a particular spot on the glass, but rather on the reflection in the glass i.e. sky, trees, etc. especially in the sunlight.

The other day, my son tried to take photos of some streaks on a lower window I had cleaned, and it didn't pick up what his eye saw. They were dried spots from an oxidized upvc (pvc maybe) window's transom.
Unfortunately I have a few flats at height which is a real pain in the neck after a couple of hours ?
As @JEM suggests above belay glasses are the answer. They take a little getting used to but for me they made a massive difference to neck pain - particularly for FSG cleans.
Granted it was a decade ago at least but this bloke was using a Brodex at 80ft ??
Like many on here vouch for Gardiner Ultimate/Extreme is a must if you're going above 50ft....

These North American guys use Belay glasses to good effect

Same guys with a camera on the brush shows how the brush acts and interacts with frames at that height. Not sure it was live stream to ground level or just recorded to watch back later.


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