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Black aluminium frames


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Any tips on what to use on black aluminium frames first clean ? Used the go to old bottle Screwfix degreaser 10 to 1 on one window but noticed it left a bit of faint white spotting & took some doing to get it off it’s not caustic burn as it did eventually come off but this job has 60+ windows I don’t fancy doing it all by trad
Any tips on what to use on black aluminium frames first clean ? Used the go to old bottle Screwfix degreaser 10 to 1 on one window but noticed it left a bit of faint white spotting & took some doing to get it off it’s not caustic burn as it did eventually come off but this job has 60+ windows I don’t fancy doing it all by trad
Try washing up liquid if you are worried that won’t hurt anything and is a good general purpose degreaser that’s safe on everything that I know of and cheap as chips
Try washing up liquid if you are worried that won’t hurt anything and is a good general purpose degreaser that’s safe on everything that I know of and cheap as chips
Cheers Pj that’s what I ended up using on the reception building just to be safe only had a little bit of fairy left in my trad bucket, didn’t wanna chance elbow grease either it came up alright took a few goes going back over the glass though as the widows have poxy box shaped external beading that leached out dribbles every 20 mins ? told the manager it might be likely there’s a few marks yet to appear & il pick up on em Monday when I do the main buildings ??
Plant-based might be better like Ecover, treat metal frames like car paintwork basically any detergent left on could potentially cause issues as it does with vehicle paintwork,

I have one house with some aluminium frames that haven't been fitted all that well imo the seals aren't 100% and they didn't bother to seal along the top of the windows just used a piece of trim on the mullion windows I have to wait a few minutes between cleaning the row windows above before cleaning the next level windows below otherwise I'll get spotting issues
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