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Burglary and Security


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Hi guys, I had a creepy guy observing our garden, where the shed with all equipment is. We called police, but you know, the justice is in our own hands these days unfortunately. We have night vision cctv, padlocks.. I am thinking to use some noisy alarm system traps and Smart Water. I do not have a lock on the van, as I keep it on gated driveway, always open, as there is literally nothing. I put everything into shed (hoover, poles..)Do you have any recommendations, thoughts, suggestions? Insurance maybe?
Steve Garwoods mate was on Dragons Den with a system that would probably be worth having a look at. It was about £100 and alterted you before anyone tries to tamper with the locks. It's basically triggered as they approach it and will link up to your mobile to let you know. Really quick to install it.

If you look up Dragons Den van alarm that would be the best place to check it out and see what you think.

Hi guys, I had a creepy guy observing our garden, where the shed with all equipment is. We called police, but you know, the justice is in our own hands these days unfortunately. We have night vision cctv, padlocks.. I am thinking to use some noisy alarm system traps and Smart Water. I do not have a lock on the van, as I keep it on gated driveway, always open, as there is literally nothing. I put everything into shed (hoover, poles..)Do you have any recommendations, thoughts, suggestions? Insurance maybe?
Connect the door handle to 240 volt mains works a treat every time ????
Hi guys, I had a creepy guy observing our garden, where the shed with all equipment is. We called police, but you know, the justice is in our own hands these days unfortunately. We have night vision cctv, padlocks.. I am thinking to use some noisy alarm system traps and Smart Water. I do not have a lock on the van, as I keep it on gated driveway, always open, as there is literally nothing. I put everything into shed (hoover, poles..)Do you have any recommendations, thoughts, suggestions? Insurance maybe?
Safer in the van with deadlocks fitted or Armour locks like I have fitted. Never been tried because too much hassle for a thief to attempt to get in.
Is the shed and surrounding area well lit at night? Thieves are a lot less comfortable operating where they can be easily seen so consider permanent lighting that comes on at dusk, i.e. solar powered lights or a PIR activated flood light.
I'd also think about an alarm on points of entry - door / windows. No one is going to hang around with an alarm blaring. Make sure any box is well out of reach but stll clearly visible for deterrent factor. If they can be accessed audible alarms can be quietened.
A camera isn't much deterrent unless being viewed in real time when all they have to do is cover their face. A video after the event of an unidentifiable masked thief is no consolation for theft of your kit.
Also consider marking it with UV pen by adding your name or postcode - if it was nicked and recovered later for ID purposes.

Thieves are always going to choose easier pickings so the more well secured somewhere is, the less likely they are to risk it. So make it difficult and slow to get into, e.g several heavy duty padlocks, and noisy if they do with an alarm. But hopefully they won't even try it looks like Fort Knox
Is the shed and surrounding area well lit at night? Thieves are a lot less comfortable operating where they can be easily seen so consider permanent lighting that comes on at dusk, i.e. solar powered lights or a PIR activated flood light.
I'd also think about an alarm on points of entry - door / windows. No one is going to hang around with an alarm blaring. Make sure any box is well out of reach but stll clearly visible for deterrent factor. If they can be accessed audible alarms can be quietened.
A camera isn't much deterrent unless being viewed in real time when all they have to do is cover their face. A video after the event of an unidentifiable masked thief is no consolation for theft of your kit.
Also consider marking it with UV pen by adding your name or postcode - if it was nicked and recovered later for ID purposes.

Thieves are always going to choose easier pickings so the more well secured somewhere is, the less likely they are to risk it. So make it difficult and slow to get into, e.g several heavy duty padlocks, and noisy if they do with an alarm. But hopefully they won't even try it looks like Fort Knox
A good dog also helps ?
You could get security screws and replace all your screws. They screw in but cannot be screwed out. Also padlocks with an alarm that go off if moved.
Someone tried opening my van door last year in the middle of the night. This was only noticed the morning after as my ring door bell had recorded it, but because my phone was on silent it didn’t alert me. Since this I have connected it to my alexa devices. I have quite a few in my house as I’ve got a lot of smart switches / devices. Now if anyone walks down my drive way in the middle of the night when the ring doorbell gets triggered and starts recording. The porch lights and outside lights automatically come on as well as a notification comes through the Alexa speaker that movement has been detected. Luckily no one has been back since. It’s quite common where I live for opportunists always trying door handles on vehicles if they’ve been left unlocked. I’d like to get some wired cctv fitted but just not had the money. But like other people have said. If your house seems security conscious, it’s more unlikely for you to be targeted if you have such deterrents on show.
Is the shed and surrounding area well lit at night? Thieves are a lot less comfortable operating where they can be easily seen so consider permanent lighting that comes on at dusk, i.e. solar powered lights or a PIR activated flood light.
One of my mates years ago had his trail bike nicked from inside a locked up shed. He had a floodlight on the side of the house. They used a ladder or something to turn the floodlight on the shed so they could see what they were doing, so the ***** made use of the light.

They are pretty resourceful when stealing stuff, they always seem to find a different way to break in. My dad kept on having expensive mountain bikes nicked out his garage, each time he would improve the security. Then he thought he had totally secured it. He chained up the bike to his bench in the garage, the chain he said required 4ft bolt croppers and a massive bloke at the diy store to cut it, having one handle on the floor while he put his heavy weight on it. The bike was chained up with the chain wrapped around the bench with no loose parts to be able to cut it easily and the garage didn't have the room to be swinging on a pair of bolt croppers on the floor. The garage front door was metal and he put bolts on the inside so they could bend it. The side door he spent £200 (20 years ago so it was a lot) on wood, thick steel cross sections bolted to tongue and groove wood with 3 locks top middle and bottom.

He thought he had done everything to deter them. He used the bike to cycle to work daily. One morning he unbolted the 3 padlocks on the sidedoor, opened the door and the bike was gone. The chain had been cut and the bast**ds had come through the roof of the garage without disturbing anyone.

If they're determined they'll get what they want. All you can do though is try and make it so it's a lot harder to get what they want. Also don't advertise and show what you have. The police say 'out of sight, out of mind'.

They are ***** though, some of the stuff they do... my uncle had his Jaguar that he was restoring and nearly complete stolen off his drive in broad daylight in the 80's. They did it while he was at work. The neighbours didn't think anything of it. They knew he was doing up the car and just saw a low loader turn up with orange flashing lights going. They took their time and made sure it was all secure on the back and drove off with it never to be seen again. I don't think he was insured either as it had been off the road.
My ladders are kept on my van overnight, there's no ladder clamps so it would take someone about 3 seconds to get them off if they wanted too. My equipment is in the front garden in a storage box that I haven't got padlocked. Never had an issue with anyone trying to take anything. We have a bit more manners than our cousins down south though.
My ladders are kept on my van overnight, there's no ladder clamps so it would take someone about 3 seconds to get them off if they wanted too. My equipment is in the front garden in a storage box that I haven't got padlocked. Never had an issue with anyone trying to take anything. We have a bit more manners than our cousins down south though.
The crime rate might be slightly lower in Scotland compared to England but Scotland is far less populated crime can happen anywhere no matter where you live and one day your ladders might get knicked along with the contents of the storage box
The crime rate might be slightly lower in Scotland compared to England but Scotland is far less populated crime can happen anywhere no matter where you live and one day your ladders might get knicked along with the contents of the storage box

I'm not sure if this would be logisticly possible, but if say the people down south got made to spend a year or 2 of their upbringing up here to learn them how to behave and have good manners and morals then it could go a long way in helping future generations not having people try Rob them down there. Aslong as they can avoid the drugs up here, seeing how it has the worst death rate in Europe for drug deaths then they have half a chance.
I'm not sure if this would be logisticly possible, but if say the people down south got made to spend a year or 2 of their upbringing up here to learn them how to behave and have good manners and morals then it could go a long way in helping future generations not having people try Rob them down there. Aslong as they can avoid the drugs up here, seeing how it has the worst death rate in Europe for drug deaths then they have half a chance.
Does the drugs issue not cause lots of crime to pay for it all? - I'm not having a go but I was led to believe that where there are lots of drugs use burglary is higher than national averages?
Maybe it's just the big cities that suffer?
Does the drugs issue not cause lots of crime to pay for it all? - I'm not having a go but I was led to believe that where there are lots of drugs use burglary is higher than national averages?
Maybe it's just the big cities that suffer?

Even Our junkies have some morals up here and have been brought up better to go out and steal. Our drug and alcohol deaths are 5 times higher than anywhere in the UK. That's a ridiculous statistic.
Even Our junkies have some morals up here and have been brought up better to go out and steal. Our drug and alcohol deaths are 5 times higher than anywhere in the UK. That's a ridiculous statistic.
I don't know whereabouts in Scotland you are but I do know that there are certain areas of Glasgow I wouldn't walk through.
There are also parts of English cities I wouldn't walk through.
I don't know whereabouts in Scotland you are but I do know that there are certain areas of Glasgow I wouldn't walk through.
There are also parts of English cities I wouldn't walk through.

Even in Glasgows rough parts, you would be fine walking through minding your own business.

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