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Composite decking


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Can anyone recommend a safe cleaning chemical for composite decking please ? I assume it’s safe to pressure wash using low pressure ?
Can anyone recommend a safe cleaning chemical for composite decking please ? I assume it’s safe to pressure wash using low pressure ?
You can use Virosol , or a weak hypo mix on them don’t let it dry out , but the problem is if it’s faded and got a white type of film on the surface it’s a right pig to clean as you end up with light and dark patches regardless of how you clean it , we did a big deck area and should have taken a couple of hours spent all day on it and to be honest I still wasn’t happy with the results although the customer was happy with it . It’s put me off doing anymore and we are quite experienced with this type of work . Yes you can use pw even with quite high pressure it doesn’t damage it but obviously go careful and do a test patch out of sight if possible.
I've ued Ronseal and 1 or 2 other so-called 'specialist' products made for composite and still found Virosol or Screwfix Degreaser to be the most reliable and better valie for money - and far more versatile because of the number of crcumstances when they are ideal.
If it's particularly frubby pre-wet it, spray on solition and give it a scrub first before p/washing.
I've never used it but I know OxiC lean recommend it for composite and there are the usual homemade recipes but persoanlly I'm never going to turn up at a job and pull out a bottle of Sarsons!
Composight decking is a pig to get wright i pressure wash using wide fan then week hypo it scrub with brush then rince re apply then scrub rince then go over it again with the wide fan jet they never come out perfect but I’ve never had a complaint as ppj found out they take twice as long as you think they will