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Messer dumped months ago.....


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I was getting messed about months ago by one of our barterer friends. I would text the night before to leave gate unlocked, it never was, I would have to call back umpteen times for my money etc. Anyway, she texted back after one of my 'window cleaner calling tomorrow' texts saying 'leave windows for now and we'll be in touch when we need them doing again.' I replied, 'no problem, I'll take you off my list.' The job was a dead one in my mind. I get a text this morning asking if I can clean the windows asap.

Now, I need help from you lot. Tell me how you would reply. And yes, she's ugly before anyone asks /emoticons/biggrin.png

'Very Sorry Mrs Smith/Bloggs, I have limited spaces and when you were removed from my list I replaced you immediately. I will however bare you in mind if I find a slot.

Kindest Regards

Your Friendly Window Cleaner

If i really had no intention of cleaning them ever again i would put something like what spcleaning said. I probably wouldnt give reasons as she may well now try and emend these reasons and then u get the same **** a few months later, just tell

"im no longer taking on new customers as all my slots are currently filled, i replaced you when you said u didnt want them cleaning"

U can go on about you never leave the gate open or leave payment etc. i would also refrain from being rude like telling her f off lol as this may give u a bad image in the area, at the end of the day shes a bad customer and u dont want her, she put the nail in that coffin when she asked u to leave it for now.

Let us know what u put and what she says, its funny when they ring u and start vertually begging ll of a sudden

reply yes ,but with some answer that doesnt fit the question .
This is genius! So much fun to be had out of this.

Depends really though tuffers. Was she just thoughtless, or is she actually a cnut? If shes just thoughtless then maybe kick her into touch by letting her know its not on. The phrase i use is something along the lines of; 'thats just not how my round works...THIS is how it works'. Oh,and a price increase is a definite.

But, if she is a cnut, then I would personally play with her using boars idea, and then post the results on here. /emoticons/biggrin.png

Nice one TAP /emoticons/tongue.png

My advice is this, did u get a feeling before u went to clean her windows that u didnt want to go because u knew she wasnt meeting u half way with gate payment ect and wasnt at all surprised when she canceled u for a while? U dont want that feeling back do u but maybe im reading it wrong and u have no intention of cleaning them and just want a clever way of telling her f off?

Hmmmmmm, whos the cleverest window cleaner.. :hey::rolleyes:

Lol, I just thought of another idea that would compliment boars methods nicely...

Type; "F*** off you ugly c**t", into google translator and reply to her in her own language. Now thats what I call the 'personal touch'.

Here's my reply. I acted as if I didn't know who she was and that she was a new customer :thumbsup:

"Hello there, I can call by one day next week to give you a quote. I work on a 4 weekly basis with payment on the day. First cleans can be treble the price if they haven't been cleaned in a while and are particularly dirty. I text the night before to give customers advance notice to prepare payment. I also require all gates to be unlocked and no cars to be on driveways. If gates etc are locked full price is still charged.

I look forward to meeting you and quoting for window cleaning."

If that don't put her off nothing will /emoticons/biggrin.png

Just tell her i can't do it as i now have a round full of people who don't **** me around you bleedin knobhead

She should get the message after that

keep us posted ,if you go do the quote. get a foto of her mug as you give the price , if u can?

keep us posted ,if you go do the quote. get a foto of her mug as you give the price , if u can?
Hold still Mrs Barterer while I take a pic of your ugly boat. My friends on the internet want to see just how ugly and shocked you look while I give you my price :laugh:

I do like the politically correct term barterer

What part of india is barter in?

Good question , mmmm what would I do . I'm would say I can only clean them on a Sunday now ,,,,if this is not except able then I can't clean them ....

Here's my reply. I acted as if I didn't know who she was and that she was a new customer :thumbsup:
"Hello there, I can call by one day next week to give you a quote. I work on a 4 weekly basis with payment on the day. First cleans can be treble the price if they haven't been cleaned in a while and are particularly dirty. I text the night before to give customers advance notice to prepare payment. I also require all gates to be unlocked and no cars to be on driveways. If gates etc are locked full price is still charged.

I look forward to meeting you and quoting for window cleaning."

If that don't put her off nothing will /emoticons/biggrin.png
Good replay, i take it no answer yet? /emoticons/biggrin.png

U could also just tell her next time ur on said road and pop there and see if gate is unlocked and money there, if no money n cleanis money do a basic quick clean, no frames etc

I wouldn't bother

Once a messer always a messer

No one needs the extra few quid that desperately that they can't canvass a good custy to replace her

tex her that u found an old gold coin in her garden on last visit. guarantee she will be onto u sharpish. give her it when u do the quote, a chocolate coin from xmas


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