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Reduce pressure on washer


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When reading threads about reducing pressure for certain surfaces ie concrete and decking. How do you go about getting the psi or bar down. Is it by reducing the revs or turning down the uploader or is it by reducing the nozzle size?
What’s the difference. I’ve always just lowered the revs? Is one ‘better’ than the other if you have both options?
I may be wrong on this but reducing the revs reduces the pump piston movements so surely that would reduce the volume per min? Lowering the unloader will reduce the pressure as once the pressure exceeds the settings the 'load' is dumped back to the tank or pump input?
So 1 reduces flow (l/min) the other reduces pressure (bar).
Well I think that's how it works but there are many experienced pw here that might know better?
i have both on mine - i use the unloader for small reductions in pressure specifally when finishing off missed spots, i use both if i wanna rinse down the walls / PW area at a pressure a bit higher than than the black nozzle gives ( should know the tech for nozzle that but don't haha) - didnt know lowers the revs wasa bad thing in any way though
When reading threads about reducing pressure for certain surfaces ie concrete and decking. How do you go about getting the psi or bar down. Is it by reducing the revs or turning down the uploader or is it by reducing the nozzle size?
Just thought I'd throw this in but reducing nozzle size will actually increase the pressure - the more narrow the jet the more pressure is created. So for lower pressure you need to widen the angle....and the other easy way is just keep the nozzle further from the surface
I lower the revs I have a uploader but need a spanner to adjust it I use the wade fan jet for wood and delicate cleaning and for rinsing walls I use the black Chemical jet fantastic for this with out blowing **** everywhere
I lower the revs I have a uploader but need a spanner to adjust it I use the wade fan jet for wood and delicate cleaning and for rinsing walls I use the black Chemical jet fantastic for this with out blowing **** everywhere
Yep. I generally leave mine on full and just reduce with the black nozzle. Have an X-Jet now though so will give that a go for rinsing.

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