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Winter solstice ?


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Well-known member
South wales
I enjoy seeing this day, it’s a milestone, love the thought that the days are lengthening out!
another positive for us outside workers!
Merry Christmas folks!
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It’s tomorrow ?
My take is that @BigFoot didn't say it was actually today, though. He just said that he enjoys seeing the winter solstice as the days start lengthening. He could have said it on any day of the year. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. :unsure:
I always perk up once the 22nd has passed as I look forward to summer, even though the lengthening of the days is minimal initially.
My take is that @BigFoot didn't say it was actually today, though. He just said that he enjoys seeing the winter solstice as the days start lengthening. He could have said it on any day of the year. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. :unsure:
I always perk up once the 22nd has passed as I look forward to summer, even though the lengthening of the days is minimal initially.
Just thinking about the sun myself.
Better whack on a bit more factor 50, it’s a scorcher out here today ?????

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