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Xmas Tips


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I reakon I will do about 3-4K this year.

All my go cardless customers are gonna give me a £100 tip. They just don't know it yet lol.

I've had bugger all so far. The vast majority of my work is four weekly resedential so everyone's got one more clean before Xmas. I'll be writing my customers Xmas cards over the next couple of days and I've got my Xmas hat ready :party:

1 pound so far./emoticons/sad.png

But I am planning to get one more clean in before Christmas, so there is hope. I need to start making people feel uncomfortable. Long pauses with my hand held out. Maybe a couple of x factor style sob stories. Put on a limp.

Got given £20 note tip today! First time I've met the man, usually deal with his wife.

Feel compelled to buy a bottle of Bombay sapphire.

Got a fiver yesterday on a first clean taking my total up to £6. Although the pound probably doesn't count as it wasn't so much a tip, he just couldn't be bothered to wait for his change.

Customer owed me 39£ and was collecting today.

She even said that will be the last clean this year. I was like yeah......

Looked in wallet for the £1 ran out. I said let me get some change out of the van. She said don't worry. Was just about to say ah thanks merry Christmas to you to. She said take it off next time. Awkward lololololol

Customer owed me 39£ and was collecting today.
She even said that will be the last clean this year. I was like yeah......

Looked in wallet for the £1 ran out. I said let me get some change out of the van. She said don't worry. Was just about to say ah thanks merry Christmas to you to. She said take it off next time. Awkward lololololol
LMFAO:rofl: Some people have got some thick skin.

Customer owed me 39£ and was collecting today.
She even said that will be the last clean this year. I was like yeah......

Looked in wallet for the £1 ran out. I said let me get some change out of the van. She said don't worry. Was just about to say ah thanks merry Christmas to you to. She said take it off next time. Awkward lololololol
I had exactly the same a few years back, I used to charge £39 for this one house. I went back for my money and I heard the bloke say 'make sure you get the £1 change' when his Mrs handed over £40. Sometimes they would pay by cheque and the bank was none other than freekin Coots :eek:

I've had around £50... Most of mine 6 weeklyish I've been trying the "I won't see you till new year so happy Xmas" line but feels a little early for everyone to start tipping! When it hits December they usually start coming in.

I'm on a six week schedule for most of mine. I could do a couple of days next week but I might take a gamble and leave them so they all compress into the three weeks before Christmas.

Only 12 quid so far but those are on 2 monthly. Gonna hit them with an xmas card through the door as I pull up, so just before I clean them and make sure it's loud enough for them to hear the letter box go.......... give them plenty of chance to get some extra change before they pay /emoticons/biggrin.png

3 tickets for rugby at Twickenham tomorrow

2 games in 1 day

£50 each face value

Taking the boy and mrs for nowt

Very nice tip indeed

He does something to do with hospitality there


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