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So, my Mrs has been putting advertisements out on FB and some loon going by the name R&S window cleaners in the East Midlands have been jumping in saying ring me instead . If you’re that desperate lad it’s time to pack in.
So, my Mrs has been putting advertisements out on FB and some loon going by the name R&S window cleaners in the East Midlands have been jumping in saying ring me instead . If you’re that desperate lad it’s time to pack in.
Same thing happened to me. Tried to find the screenshot but don’t seem to have it anymore. You can delete comment on paid adverts, so no biggy.
Same thing happened to me. Tried to find the screenshot but don’t seem to have it anymore. You can delete comment on paid adverts, so no biggy.
proper dickheads , if they’re that desperate why not put an advert on after mine. Think I’ll message them about a massive job I want them to come and quote an hour away from where they’re based. :):)

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