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Argh! Been cleaning with TDS of 20!


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Just got back from a days work. Decided to check my IBC tank water.....20PPM!  Not had any complaints......yet. Think my membranes are shot as my water pressure is dreadful (35PSI). Not enough resin to polish it off from 51 PPM from the RO so going to have to buy water in until I can sort this problem out.

What is the highest TDS people here have used accidentally (or on purpose)? Highest I usually go is 4/5 PPM. Luckily I think one sub-par clean out of years of good cleaning wont test people’s loyalty, that’s my thinking/hoping. Either that or 20 PPM may not be enough to notice spotting enough.

Just got back from a days work. Decided to check my IBC tank water.....20PPM!  Not had any complaints......yet. Think my membranes are shot as my water pressure is dreadful (35PSI). Not enough resin to polish it off from 51 PPM from the RO so going to have to buy water in until I can sort this problem out.

What is the highest TDS people here have used accidentally (or on purpose)? Highest I usually go is 4/5 PPM. Luckily I think one sub-par clean out of years of good cleaning wont test people’s loyalty, that’s my thinking/hoping. Either that or 20 PPM may not be enough to notice spotting enough.
I don't have tds accidents as anything other than 000 isn't pure water window cleaning.

I have an automated HM digital microcontroller tds programmable switch.

It's key to check your water daily as you'll end up with your numbers rising

i check my tds after every fill as one of my routine end of day jobs as a matter of course and have done for years now....i once worked with 036 tds and the windows were fine....it just depends what the tds is made up of.....this sunny weather wont help as it shows every little mark on the windows!

Just got back from a days work. Decided to check my IBC tank water.....20PPM!  Not had any complaints......yet. Think my membranes are shot as my water pressure is dreadful (35PSI). Not enough resin to polish it off from 51 PPM from the RO so going to have to buy water in until I can sort this problem out.

What is the highest TDS people here have used accidentally (or on purpose)? Highest I usually go is 4/5 PPM. Luckily I think one sub-par clean out of years of good cleaning wont test people’s loyalty, that’s my thinking/hoping. Either that or 20 PPM may not be enough to notice spotting enough.
Used, unknowingly, 15ppm on a 3 monthly clean once with no complaints. 

I've cleaned with over 20ppm some years ago and only got one complaint, that was when I went DI only, with my R/O my tds never goes up I just change my pre-filters as per recommendations although sediment filter can be changed every 3-4 weeks these past few months 

I normally check my water every 2-3 days and it was in that time the membrane suddenly stopped working efficiently and TDS went from 4-20PPM! Lesson learnt and will be checking more often from now on.

I normally check my water every 2-3 days and it was in that time the membrane suddenly stopped working efficiently and TDS went from 4-20PPM! Lesson learnt and will be checking more often from now on.
Your membranes must have been about knackered for a while if within a few days or so the tds has spiked I wouldn't continue with my membranes if I was getting 4ppm they would be changed asap, I don't polish off with a DI as my tap tds is around 70-79ppm

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Ours was at 14 on Tuesday. It spiked after the processing system being stood idle since last Tuesday. I'll happily use it up to 5 (which is what the reading had been for a while). I aim to get the windows visually clean not surgically clean.

I try to make sure that I keep some flow going in the system as much as possible, even if I have to turn down the flow to little more than a dribble to avoid overfilling. The one thing I've found is that it doesn't thrive on being allowed to stand idle for too long. I back flush frequently as well.

We changed the resin on both vessels after work on Tuesday. Reading is now 000. Our readings after RO but before DI are within the acceptable tolerance.

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 The one thing I've found is that it doesn't thrive on being allowed to stand idle for too long.
I think this is the problem Dave, I am a 1-man band and the system I have is a bit over-kill as it is a 2400gpd system so after 8-9 hours my IBC is full and will let me for 2 1/2 days so there are long periods where it is inactive.

 I'll happily use it up to 5 (which is what the reading had been for a while). I aim to get the windows visually clean not surgically clean.
Yes I’m the same, I advertise as using purified, not pure water and 4-5 gets good results; I am happy cleaning my own window’s like this so do it with others too. Don’t get me wrong, most of the time it is well below 5 which I prefer.

The water I bought today is bloody 9PPM which is making me twitchy. I wont be making this mistake again!

Your membranes must have been about knackered for a while

Yes mate, they were pushing water out at 30PPM so not ideal but I was just changing resin a bit more frequently. Just the sudden spike over 2 days that caught me off guard.
Best option is to just run it an hour a day or less, then flush as required if not used for 2-3 day's 
Yes agree with you there, I do tend to run it in dribs and drabs so that it gets used every day, but if I had a smaller RO then my thinking is it will be used more and apparently they work more economically when in use most/all I of the time.

Due to a mistake a few years back I did a day at 036. Panicked as you do when I realised, but didn’t get any complaints. My current RO outputs between 005 and 008. During the resin shortage about 18 months back I ran out of resin and did a few days with RO only water. Had no issues at all with any customers during those few days either.

Yes I’m the same, I advertise as using purified, not pure water and 4-5 gets good results; I am happy cleaning my own window’s like this so do it with others too. Don’t get me wrong, most of the time it is well below 5 which I prefer.

The water I bought today is bloody 9PPM which is making me twitchy. I wont be making this mistake again!
Surely they cant sell it at 9ppm. I'll soon have to buy it in but would not really feel good at over 5.

Surely they cant sell it at 9ppm. I'll soon have to buy it in but would not really feel good at over 5.
I spoke to the guy that sells it on the phone and told him it was 9PPM and he was horrified! He has changed resin filters and membranes now so back down to 000.

Due to a mistake a few years back I did a day at 036. Panicked as you do when I realised, but didn’t get any complaints. My current RO outputs between 005 and 008. During the resin shortage about 18 months back I ran out of resin and did a few days with RO only water. Had no issues at all with any customers during those few days either.
Our water really worries me due to the heavy limescale we get, I panic if it goes over 001 lol ? 

Before my last membrane change, the water shot up to 064 ppm. I used it like this for a few days and never encountered any problems. I had a walk round each house to make sure. 

I usually change my filters when it gets up to around 020, so I wouldn't worry about it at all ?


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