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Draughts are something that could affect us cleaners


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Well-known member
Stockport, Cheshire
It's been said many a time on here by different members and myself in recent times that the window cleaning business is virtually bullet proof and nothing will affect it.... have a read of that article and then make your own judgement. It's not urgent alarm bells but the risk is definitely real, we only need the government to start talking about saving water and there to be a public information campaign about us, as a country, using more than we collect over a year for it to suddenly have a negative impact on business.

I've learned the hard way in my last business which I sold products but it was only on Ebay, so all my eggs were in one basket, Ebay banned me for something I had not done wrong (long story, but at the time computer robots ran Ebay, there wasn't an option to speak with a human manager so it was a computer says no scenario, trust me I'm an expert on it), net result was I lost everything I had worked hard for and it wiped me out. From that point on I always said don't have all your eggs in one basket.

Now window cleaning and the general cleaning add ons looks like a solid business and it is, right now. However it is a risk to say that water shortages are definitely not going to affect our industry. Yes I know there will be those screaming now saying 'yeah but businesses are not restricted to using water... it only applies to residential...', well I put it to you this... did you ever think the country would lock everything down to control a virus? If they are prepared to do that they will do whatever they see fit, it only takes one respected scientist to start the alarm bells followed by a public following of sheep to change everything. They will not be concerned about our businesses, they will merely paint a picture of us being uneducated and probably offer us patronising 'free re-training' to do something else.

So not alarm bells but if you don't like to consider it then keep your head in the sand and keep your fingers crossed. For me, I've had enough bad luck in my life to know that nothing is a certainty, I'm constantly looking at other avenues to make money just in case my health deteriorates or something else happens. I've worked too hard to take my eye off the ball, I'm continuing to successfully create my window cleaning business... but within the next few years I plan to have other income that I will be able to live off should anything happen in the future.
And if it got that severe then they would start putting procedures in place to take water from the oceans and clean it so it's made safe for us to drink. It would be very costly to do this though.
If they ban WFP cleaning, then that’s it, early retirement for me.
Might do the odd job fitting windows with my brother ?
Yeah I think if I was a bit older and more established with more money behind me then I'd not be as concerned or even really thinking about it, maybe health would be the biggest thing, but as it is now and not being fully established I can see me having the business for a good 10 to 15 years before thinking of easing off, so it would have a great impact potentially.

I've spent all my life looking for opportunities to make money and so far Window Cleaning is the only one that's paid a decent return, so finding another is no easy task, although being wiser and more experienced in business makes it a lot lot easier.
And if it got that severe then they would start putting procedures in place to take water from the oceans and clean it so it's made safe for us to drink. It would be very costly to do this though.
They already do this in these desert like countries, is it Dubai or Saudi Arabia? Not sure... but I think the point of the article is that water is a finite resource. What we have on the planet has always been here, we don't get any more, it's just constantly recycled, but with a growing global population it means more and more water used to keep everyone alive and well (our own bodies are made up of water). So eventually there is a tipping point where we use more globally than we get out of the sky, at that point it becomes unsustainable.

As said though, it's not weather we can cope, it's the scaremongering and headlines about it, much like the climate change headlines that could do the damage. The governments will have to be 'seen' to be doing something to tackle the future problem and it's this that's the thing that could then be our problem.
They already do this in these desert like countries, is it Dubai or Saudi Arabia? Not sure... but I think the point of the article is that water is a finite resource. What we have on the planet has always been here, we don't get any more, it's just constantly recycled, but with a growing global population it means more and more water used to keep everyone alive and well (our own bodies are made up of water). So eventually there is a tipping point where we use more globally than we get out of the sky, at that point it becomes unsustainable.

As said though, it's not weather we can cope, it's the scaremongering and headlines about it, much like the climate change headlines that could do the damage. The governments will have to be 'seen' to be doing something to tackle the future problem and it's this that's the thing that could then be our problem.

The sun will eventually burn itself out, not that we will have to worry about that in our life time. Why do you think so much money gets spent on space exploration?. Through time unless we find some other planet to live on we will be extinct as earth won't be habitable.

Imagine if they don't find somewhere and it's at a stage that the sun has 1 year left to burn. The place will be like the purge.
The sun will eventually burn itself out, not that we will have to worry about that in our life time. Why do you think so much money gets spent on space exploration?. Through time unless we find some other planet to live on we will be extinct as earth won't be habitable.

Imagine if they don't find somewhere and it's at a stage that the sun has 1 year left to burn. The place will be like the purge.
Sounds like Sunderland ?
I would just flog some motors and general wheeling and dealing if this trade went tits up
The amount of water we as window cleaners use in the uk compared to most small industries is nothing we don need to worry about being banned ??? and yes I was not the slightest bit surprised when we went into lockdown in fact I felt international flights should have been stopped long before they were .
I don't think it's about us being banned that's the problem, it's the negative message that would effect us. Just like with Covid you 'could' go to a pub and have a drink, well there were lots that stayed away as they thought it wouldn't be right with what was happening. A similar thing would likely happen if it was rammed down peoples throats that water was 'running out' globally.

Still being banned is something that I could see happening, I wouldn't be surprised at all. If you look at how they have stabbed Boris in the back to divert attention from themselves... well they'd do it to anyone, any group of people. If they're getting it in the neck from climate activists to save water, well whether it's fact or not doesn't come into it, they have to be 'seen' to be doing the 'right' thing.

Nobody cares about minorities, we window cleaners are just minorities. Same as valeters.

Put it this way, I'm of the opinion that nothing is guaranteed to stay the same so I'm trying to bullet proof everything while I'm in a position to do so.
There isn’t a water shortage we have the same amount now as there has always been , it’s just that there is to much in certain places and not enough in others ???we have had a hose pipe ban since last summer and it’s still not been lifted and now they are advising on the radio and on busses to shower for one muinit less to save water what a joke the reservoirs are practically full apart from one , the amount we use is a drop in the ocean compared to other industries we would be a long way down the list of issues I think , having travelled to a lot of countries that are a lot drier than the uk they use desalination it’s expensive initially to set up but many have very little water apart from that we could easily do the same we are a small island nation surrounded by the sea a limitless supply that will never run out .
We are being told, and taxed, to stop global warming to save the polar ice caps from melting and flooding low laying countries we need to stop using fossil fuels. So we should be able to claim tax credits for using water and minimising the risks of these countries liable to flood.
Joking aside the above 2 scenarios shows how stupid the whole arguments are.
There isn’t a water shortage we have the same amount now as there has always been , it’s just that there is to much in certain places and not enough in others ???we have had a hose pipe ban since last summer and it’s still not been lifted and now they are advising on the radio and on busses to shower for one muinit less to save water what a joke the reservoirs are practically full apart from one , the amount we use is a drop in the ocean compared to other industries we would be a long way down the list of issues I think , having travelled to a lot of countries that are a lot drier than the uk they use desalination it’s expensive initially to set up but many have very little water apart from that we could easily do the same we are a small island nation surrounded by the sea a limitless supply that will never run out .
Yeah I fully agree, but it's exactly that what your saying about them having local radio messages about showering for 1 minute less, the drop in the ocean difference but the difference in the mind of the people that's the key. Basically the government and the media sets the tone for what the mass sheep of people think. If they get on our case then there could be consequences even if they didn't ban us.

You say the reservoirs are full, it wouldn't surprise me if they are but the message and mantra has been hammered out for that long that the sheep in the council are just repeating the message with no ounce of common sense to find out if it's the truth.

But from that article it says that the south east is only getting 600mm of rain a year, but the population is increasing all the time. So the local rainfall will not be enough in the near future as they're using more than they're getting. That's what the issue probably is in Cornwall, if they continually get less rainfall and hotter dryer summers and people use more due to population, cleaning... whatever, then you can work out that there will be a problem sooner or later and it's how those running the show decide to tackle it. Currently in Cornwall it sounds like a lifetime hose pipe ban ? out of interest, if there is a hose pipe ban, are the shops still selling hose pipes :unsure:
There isn’t a water shortage we have the same amount now as there has always been , it’s just that there is to much in certain places and not enough in others ???we have had a hose pipe ban since last summer and it’s still not been lifted and now they are advising on the radio and on busses to shower for one muinit less to save water what a joke the reservoirs are practically full apart from one , the amount we use is a drop in the ocean compared to other industries we would be a long way down the list of issues I think , having travelled to a lot of countries that are a lot drier than the uk they use desalination it’s expensive initially to set up but many have very little water apart from that we could easily do the same we are a small island nation surrounded by the sea a limitless supply that will never run out .
I don't think there is anything wrong with getting people to consider what actions they should be taking to conserve water as it would all help and it doesn't cost anyone any money, we know we need to think and act differently from how we have been, a shower should be a quick thing our oldest niece told us ages ago she would have a 20 minute shower what the hell was she doing in the shower for more than a few minutes anyway or anyone else for that matter, I see people cutting their lawns short and the lawns dying so they water them with copious amounts of water if they just let the grass grow it's more protected I have a lush green lawn and it ain't been watered once it's longer than it I'd like it at times but it looks a lot better than other peoples,

the Government will pick on the smallest of things first and then it will get bigger, I've said it before on here give the water companies the green light to build reservoirs despite local objections to increase our water capture,

We do have a serious issue the last few Summers have shown that never in all my years I have seen the grass and plants dying out in the countryside and streams running dry, I have been walking in the Yorkshire Dales this year and areas which should have been boogy up on the fells small streams and ponds clearly visible on outdated satellite imagery are all completely bone dry we have barely had a drop of rain in 8 weeks
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It's been said many a time on here by different members and myself in recent times that the window cleaning business is virtually bullet proof and nothing will affect it.... have a read of that article and then make your own judgement. It's not urgent alarm bells but the risk is definitely real, we only need the government to start talking about saving water and there to be a public information campaign about us, as a country, using more than we collect over a year for it to suddenly have a negative impact on business.

I've learned the hard way in my last business which I sold products but it was only on Ebay, so all my eggs were in one basket, Ebay banned me for something I had not done wrong (long story, but at the time computer robots ran Ebay, there wasn't an option to speak with a human manager so it was a computer says no scenario, trust me I'm an expert on it), net result was I lost everything I had worked hard for and it wiped me out. From that point on I always said don't have all your eggs in one basket.

Now window cleaning and the general cleaning add ons looks like a solid business and it is, right now. However it is a risk to say that water shortages are definitely not going to affect our industry. Yes I know there will be those screaming now saying 'yeah but businesses are not restricted to using water... it only applies to residential...', well I put it to you this... did you ever think the country would lock everything down to control a virus? If they are prepared to do that they will do whatever they see fit, it only takes one respected scientist to start the alarm bells followed by a public following of sheep to change everything. They will not be concerned about our businesses, they will merely paint a picture of us being uneducated and probably offer us patronising 'free re-training' to do something else.

So not alarm bells but if you don't like to consider it then keep your head in the sand and keep your fingers crossed. For me, I've had enough bad luck in my life to know that nothing is a certainty, I'm constantly looking at other avenues to make money just in case my health deteriorates or something else happens. I've worked too hard to take my eye off the ball, I'm continuing to successfully create my window cleaning business... but within the next few years I plan to have other income that I will be able to live off should anything happen in the future.
Theres always things to worry about in this world, a few months ago it was the energyprices, and it will return in winter, now its draught. Soon the news will shift focus ,and we will be told to worry about something new. Look backwards a couple of yrs, Corona, Ukraine, food and energyprices, now draugt, all fear driven by the media, they have to get views, and its all carried by fear.
71% of the earth is ocean so all you do is build desalination plants but that costs money. You could all come up here to get your water we hold the UK reserves in Loch Ness which has 1.5 times the whole of England and Wales combined. The problem is we are that used to free rainwater and now we might need to pay to move it to other places which no one likes. We could all go back to Trad. But Ironman hit the nail on the head with Risking all our income in one basket. I'm lucky I read a book about Risk and it said many streams of income. I'm off round the corner to finish a fence I'm building for a customer so pretty lucky.
71% of the earth is ocean so all you do is build desalination plants but that costs money. You could all come up here to get your water we hold the UK reserves in Loch Ness which has 1.5 times the whole of England and Wales combined. The problem is we are that used to free rainwater and now we might need to pay to move it to other places which no one likes. We could all go back to Trad. But Ironman hit the nail on the head with Risking all our income in one basket. I'm lucky I read a book about Risk and it said many streams of income. I'm off round the corner to finish a fence I'm building for a customer so pretty lucky.

The snp lunatic supporters already think the English are stealing our water
We are being told, and taxed, to stop global warming to save the polar ice caps from melting and flooding low laying countries we need to stop using fossil fuels. So we should be able to claim tax credits for using water and minimising the risks of these countries liable to flood.
Joking aside the above 2 scenarios shows how stupid the whole arguments are.
I watched a programme the other day and just the company that makes the glass bottles for mathmos lava lamps uses the same electricity to use their massive 5 story furnace as it would take to power 5000 homes to make them and other bottles
That is just one factory
Yet we get told to save electricity usage
Apparently a bag for life and some energy saving lightbulbs will save the planet while all this is going on
I watched a programme the other day and just the company that makes the glass bottles for mathmos lava lamps uses the same electricity to use their massive 5 story furnace as it would take to power 5000 homes to make them and other bottles
That is just one factory
Yet we get told to save electricity usage
Apparently a bag for life and some energy saving lightbulbs will save the planet while all this is going on
We have one of their Lava Lamps I'd say they are definitely worth all that electricity used