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Dog Bite - Advice Required Pls


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Dear Everyone, Just after some advice please. Whilst popping a receipt through a customers letterbox, I was bitten by their dog. Yes it hurt, yes it was a shock. Advised owners, let me in to wash it, they were surprised and apologetic. Went to A&E as it was a nasty wound to the middle finger of my right, prominent, hand. That was four weeks ago and still not healed. been to hospital a total of three times, twice to plastics. It's healing and I can now work. Originally lost out on c.14 days work. It was a collie and the owners are local and lovely but I feel I need to look to recoup some lost earning etc. I'd appreciate any thoughts on this. Anything similar happened to anyone? I have actually updated the owners and asked for there insurance details. Trying to keep it amicable, but also feel I don't want to just let it go. Thanks in advance.
let the hunted become the hunter! a yellow lab once got me and i got my revenge by shooting him between the eyes with a spray bottle full of soapy water-i actually loved seeking him out from then on at every visit .Prior to that hed gotten hold of me and chased me loadsa times . Another tip is when you are putting a slip in the letterbox fold it over your squeegee blade see how he likes biting down on that
@Topcat the customer/dog owner is probably mortified but I see your point. If you are certain that you want to take it further I would carry on speaking to them first and explain the visits to hospital a few times and that you lost earnings - especially if you have it documented in a diary. Ask them to check their insurance and take it from there. @Part Timer is spot on, it's a risk putting a receipt or leaflet through a letterbox. I know hindsight is a wonderful thing but years ago after a customer warned me their dog didn't like people at the door I have an old wooden spoon with me that I kind of fold the receipt/flyer over and push it through. Hope your hand continues to heal ok buddy.
Guaranteed the owners already knew their dog bit mail droppers .So no way are they the lovely peeps you Think they are . Going back few yrs a cocker bit me and bit me hard when i told the owners they said "yes,YES he does do that he also loves rolling in fox plop " i said he got me so hard was down to the bone , "yes, thats his way ,,,every time ,,, thats right " . I never got the chance to wreak revenge as the bloke fell on hard times [had an accountancy biz on high street], tho i spose him going under was sort of karma . At very least you want to up their price and get aggy with them
squeegee to push leaflet through is a good one I’ve done that before but never thought of letting it bite it and snap the little bastards teeth though that’s genius I usually just jab them in but will try that next time 👍
Dear Everyone, Just after some advice please. Whilst popping a receipt through a customers letterbox, I was bitten by their dog. Yes it hurt, yes it was a shock. Advised owners, let me in to wash it, they were surprised and apologetic. Went to A&E as it was a nasty wound to the middle finger of my right, prominent, hand. That was four weeks ago and still not healed. been to hospital a total of three times, twice to plastics. It's healing and I can now work. Originally lost out on c.14 days work. It was a collie and the owners are local and lovely but I feel I need to look to recoup some lost earning etc. I'd appreciate any thoughts on this. Anything similar happened to anyone? I have actually updated the owners and asked for there insurance details. Trying to keep it amicable, but also feel I don't want to just let it go. Thanks in advance.
Owners surprised! I doubt they were surprised, collies are well known for being loopy and aggressive and their dog will have shown signs of aggression previously the number of dog owners I have encountered over the years who play dumb and innocent that their dog isn't aggressive after it's been reactive I've lost count,

If you were going to do anything about it it should have been within the first 48hrs, you need to weigh up your losses and how much of a headache this is going to be to actually be successful in a claim, they can't and shouldn't ultimately get away with it they have a dog that has attacked and will do so again.

Man or woman bitten by a dog most people wouldn't think much of it, If a kid were bitten by a dog people would be up in arms, bad publicity commercial implications I'm doubtful.
I have two cockers and as a responsible dog owner our dogs are fully insured not only for vet fees but third party insurance. If they are anything like responsible owners they will have pet insurance for this event. I would explain to them your losses and would like to explore the possibility of recouping it through their pet insurance, if they don't have any then hopefully you may be able to talk about them helping you out with some of your losses
Dear Everyone, Just after some advice please. Whilst popping a receipt through a customers letterbox, I was bitten by their dog. Yes it hurt, yes it was a shock. Advised owners, let me in to wash it, they were surprised and apologetic. Went to A&E as it was a nasty wound to the middle finger of my right, prominent, hand. That was four weeks ago and still not healed. been to hospital a total of three times, twice to plastics. It's healing and I can now work. Originally lost out on c.14 days work. It was a collie and the owners are local and lovely but I feel I need to look to recoup some lost earning etc. I'd appreciate any thoughts on this. Anything similar happened to anyone? I have actually updated the owners and asked for there insurance details. Trying to keep it amicable, but also feel I don't want to just let it go. Thanks in advance.
Sorry about the dog bite! It’s a horrible situation. My son was cleaning opposite me about 3 years ago. They had an older German shepherd that the mother was looking after. She was told under no circumstances to open the door without first securing the dog in a room. She didn’t. She opened the door and the dog lunged at my son biting his cloth pouch. Then let go and bit his hand. He didn’t know really what to do, bleeding, the lady like yours was full of apologies and let him rinse his hand gave a plaster etc. So he was quite worried and I dropped him off at A&E and they said it’s a nasty bite. Lost a few days work, but was working in pain. He still hurts now. Took advice from a dog bite specialist believe it or not. And felt he had to sue unfortunately. It’s quite a lengthy process. The specialist solicitor said he had to go to London after a while to examine the long term affects of the wound. It was his choice to pursue. At the end of the day, if it affects your income, sometimes you have no choice. We did lose the customer, said she would go back to her old window cleaner and now won’t look at us when she sees us in the street. Her choice I suppose but should’ve controlled the dog.
Hope this helps 👍
I absolutely love dogs, even when I know the dogs friendly inside I still just open the letter box just slightly then throw the card in. Or just wedge it in the door so they see it when there opening it.

Did it need stitched?. Maybe need to man up a bit, being of for 14 days seems a bit excessive for a cut finger.
I have two cockers and as a responsible dog owner our dogs are fully insured not only for vet fees but third party insurance. If they are anything like responsible owners they will have pet insurance for this event. I would explain to them your losses and would like to explore the possibility of recouping it through their pet insurance, if they don't have any then hopefully you may be able to talk about them helping you out with some of your losses

Most pet insurance policies cover for third party liability.
I absolutely love dogs, even when I know the dogs friendly inside I still just open the letter box just slightly then throw the card in. Or just wedge it in the door so they see it when there opening it.

Did it need stitched?. Maybe need to man up a bit, being of for 14 days seems a bit excessive for a cut finger.
I think I tend to agree with this. 14 days off for a cut finger! Seems excessive to me.
Ultimately the dog was inside. If you choose to put your hand inside then I’m sorry but I would be surprised if they are liable.
Surely all they would need to say is ‘we told the WC not to post his bill’.
I’m interested to see if this does actually go any further!
I think I tend to agree with this. 14 days off for a cut finger! Seems excessive to me.
Ultimately the dog was inside. If you choose to put your hand inside then I’m sorry but I would be surprised if they are liable.
Surely all they would need to say is ‘we told the WC not to post his bill’.
I’m interested to see if this does actually go any further!

Looking into it a bit it does seem like he could have a case, seems if there's no signs telling you to beware of dog etc. The other party have to admit it too. If they say it's not true then it looks like it doesn't go much further.
Dear Everyone, Just after some advice please. Whilst popping a receipt through a customers letterbox, I was bitten by their dog. Yes it hurt, yes it was a shock. Advised owners, let me in to wash it, they were surprised and apologetic. Went to A&E as it was a nasty wound to the middle finger of my right, prominent, hand. That was four weeks ago and still not healed. been to hospital a total of three times, twice to plastics. It's healing and I can now work. Originally lost out on c.14 days work. It was a collie and the owners are local and lovely but I feel I need to look to recoup some lost earning etc. I'd appreciate any thoughts on this. Anything similar happened to anyone? I have actually updated the owners and asked for there insurance details. Trying to keep it amicable, but also feel I don't want to just let it go. Thanks in advance.

How long have you done the windows?. Do you always post the card in the same way the other times with the dog there?.

The law might say different but if it was me personally then really I'd think I had a part in the blame in it happening as I knew the dogs were there and stuck my hand through anyway. I'd take it on the chin and move on. I like dogs though so I'd probably have a different outlook on it if I hated them.
When the judge made the ruling, he explained that if your dog injures a person as their fingers are briefly exposed when posting something through a letter box - an action that takes mere seconds - it is clear the owner has allowed the dog to freely roam the house and did not take any preventative measures to ensure the safe use of their letterbox.
He ruled that the owner of the property would be criminally liable for any injuries caused in such an instance.'
When the judge made the ruling, he explained that if your dog injures a person as their fingers are briefly exposed when posting something through a letter box - an action that takes mere seconds - it is clear the owner has allowed the dog to freely roam the house and did not take any preventative measures to ensure the safe use of their letterbox.
He ruled that the owner of the property would be criminally liable for any injuries caused in such an instance.'
We have had several postmen bitten down here in a similar fashion , the post office always take legal action and 99% of the time win the case several dogs have been put down , and the post office have refused to deliver mail to certain addresses and or have insisted on external post boxes , one of my guys git bitten the same way ended up having stitches and got an infection in the finger he’s a real hard case and carried on working , but did get compensation from the house insurance of the customer they are now an ex customer as they weren’t prepared to do anything about restraining the dog . Since this incident a couple of years ago I have reviewed several jobs ware they have nasty digs and spoke ti the customers most are now ex customers as again they wouldn’t accept any responsibility for making sure tge digs were inside the house ,we had one customer who had an Alsatian lovely looking dog and I love dogs but this thing would open the house door and you would have to hold the door shut whilst the other guy did the windows they never locked the door when they went out , again I spoke to the owner and they just shrugged there shoulders so again it was an instant dump . Now when quoting jobs if I see a dog I ask questions and depending on the answers will or won’t take the job on , it’s simply not worth the risk of someone being bitten or worse for the sake of a few quid they could be off work for weeks or months .
Owners surprised! I doubt they were surprised, collies are well known for being loopy and aggressive and their dog will have shown signs of aggression previously the number of dog owners I have encountered over the years who play dumb and innocent that their dog isn't aggressive after it's been reactive I've lost count,

If you were going to do anything about it it should have been within the first 48hrs, you need to weigh up your losses and how much of a headache this is going to be to actually be successful in a claim, they can't and shouldn't ultimately get away with it they have a dog that has attacked and will do so again.

Man or woman bitten by a dog most people wouldn't think much of it, If a kid were bitten by a dog people would be up in arms, bad publicity commercial implications I'm doubtful.
Absolute tosh! Badly trained or untrained dogs of any breed can be dangerous. Collies are one of the most intelligent breeds and if trained properly would not behave like this

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