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1/2 inch hose push fit


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johnny bravo

Well-known member
Do they do john guest or simmilar push fit connections  for 1/2 inch hosepipe,           thinking of moving my 300 RO,    AROUND,    MAYneed to join hoses up  or add a bit of piping to hose,

Got feed coming from under sink via  cold water  outlet, trying to get hosepipe off the sink tops,

i need to move it up away from work surface, doing my head in

Kitchen facing front of house.  Any ideas would be much apreciated.     Been like this for last 4 years


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ATM not using a di vessel as water down to 002, newish membranes,  but that wont last long,        Id like to have it plumbed in and no tubes or hoses on show,     try to put them under sink feeding up a drilled hole in worktop going into RO placed higher on wall.
