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A new Gutter cleaning attachment


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well could be every area is different ,for example slate roof tiles are rare in my area but biscuit tiles are not . All i can say is round here a gutter vac wouldnt be the go to tool. I know that as 2 friends of mine own a vac and one tried to sell his to me,like new it is
A big part of using a vac successfully is technique we did a 3 storey house that several other companies said could not be done from the ground , we did it easily and have done many other exactly the same the turfs were growing onto the roof and under the tiles ,provided you can get the nozzle in the gutter it can be cleaned with a vac , one problem is when cables are run inside the gutter and grass roots grow around it that’s a bit fiddly.


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well could be every area is different ,for example slate roof tiles are rare in my area but biscuit tiles are not . All i can say is round here a gutter vac wouldnt be the go to tool. I know that as 2 friends of mine own a vac and one tried to sell his to me,like new it is
We do gutters all over the country as does @Part Timer on occasions we get a problem but it’s very rare
what is this who has the biggest so i know the best?.As i say above ,in my area of around 20 mile radius id be wasting my time lugging one along .In your area it obviously works for you, thats good to know .About 1 in 2 have a blocked downpipe in my area
Again you can unblock some downpipes from the ground and if you fit an access hatch at the bottom of the down pipe you can unblock all downpipes from the ground regardless of what’s in them if you know how to do it .we have a client that is 4 and 5 storey and we do this every year from the ground using the access hatch .
Again you can unblock some downpipes from the ground and if you fit an access hatch at the bottom of the down pipe you can unblock all downpipes from the ground regardless of what’s in them if you know how to do it .we have a client that is 4 and 5 storey and we do this every year from the ground using the access hatch .
thats good,good for you. Thing is iv Always liked ladderwork ,its not a money thing for me.i mean even if i could earn twice as much by using a water pole this way of working has never interested me .I Do like water .....was swimming in the sea this very arvo,actually one of my ears is ringing now some crud must have washed in! i do hope it doesnt have messed up my balance in coming days.About ten years ago i swam underwater and when i came up i was totally deaf in both ears [full of sand] took 2 months to clear can u bleve that
Again you can unblock some downpipes from the ground and if you fit an access hatch at the bottom of the down pipe you can unblock all downpipes from the ground regardless of what’s in them if you know how to do it .we have a client that is 4 and 5 storey and we do this every year from the ground using the access hatch .
did u go to the original window cleaning shows? i could never fathom why nobody from the show was swimming in that gorgeous sea -dyou happen to know if that stretch was dangerous? also dyou/did u know the windy who was camped in his tent [ant] i thought was awful how jeremy clarkson ripped him off
did u go to the original window cleaning shows? i could never fathom why nobody from the show was swimming in that gorgeous sea -dyou happen to know if that stretch was dangerous? also dyou/did u know the windy who was camped in his tent [ant] i thought was awful how jeremy clarkson ripped him off
Sorry I have no idea what you are talking about
This made me laugh!
thats good,good for you. Thing is iv Always liked ladderwork ,its not a money thing for me.i mean even if i could earn twice as much by using a water pole this way of working has never interested me .I Do like water .....was swimming in the sea this very arvo,actually one of my ears is ringing now some crud must have washed in! i do hope it doesnt have messed up my balance in coming days.About ten years ago i swam underwater and when i came up i was totally deaf in both ears [full of sand] took 2 months to clear can u bleve that
what about round the back of a large house where you can't access the back garden with a cherry picker like loads of houses , i have been in this game for 40 years you can't always clear gutters without going up a ladder
I'll refer you to my previous answer - i'm not against ladders - we find they are only required on 0.01% of clears
and I don't really see your "tool" being any more use on a valley gutter than a feeding a gutter vac pole along

40 years ! wow time to get with the times
when I was in engineering this old codger used to tell us young 'uns he had used his centre lathe for 30 + years - we were all on CNC machinery - we made more complicated components quicker and more accurately - the world moves on!
thing is iv not ever been a junkie but You have -i dont even smoke . im one of those holy joes! however iv known and employed the sort you are/ on about ,they can hold it together but not long term.
I have never been a junkie I took drugs when I was younger that's it, you don't know me or anything about me, I could get annoyed and peed off at you calling me a junkie but I haven't taken drugs for over 25 years, so you really don't have a clue
I have never been a junkie I took drugs when I was younger that's it, you don't know me or anything about me, I could get annoyed and peed off at you calling me a junkie but I haven't taken drugs for over 25 years, so you really don't have a clue
thing is it was You who brought up the drug thing again [on the cabbage] and iv nothing against anyone using drugs [altho i dodge employing em-and have never used ,,,, hang on i DID ,id forfotten
this was in Scotland a mate called "Dunoon" offered me an envelope full of magic mushrooms .....how could i forget...... i ate 1 or 2 and no immediate reaction so ten mins later after i gutsed the whole lot! 30+ prized shrooms!] and then went for a hair-raising drive gunning it down Berriedale Braes - i owned a classic Mk 3 cortina at the time . So im not really a holy joe after all
thing is it was You who brought up the drug thing again [on the cabbage] and iv nothing against anyone using drugs [altho i dodge employing em-and have never used ,,,, hang on i DID ,id forfotten
this was in Scotland a mate called "Dunoon" offered me an envelope full of magic mushrooms .....how could i forget...... i ate 1 or 2 and no immediate reaction so ten mins later after i gutsed the whole lot! 30+ prized shrooms!] and then went for a hair-raising drive gunning it down Berriedale Braes - i owned a classic Mk 3 cortina at the time . So im not really a holy joe after all
I don't believe anything you write on here 👋
i did know ant, from forums many years ago, yes he did sleep in a tent at one of the first shows, he brought his young daughter along if i remember as he was/is a single parent, as for ladders versus vacuum as long as the gutters are clean who really cares? same with the windows wfp or trad you get the same result ie clean windows just a different way of doing it. as an aside he did clean jeremy clarksons windows only the tight git never paid if i remember.
i did know ant, from forums many years ago, yes he did sleep in a tent at one of the first shows, he brought his young daughter along if i remember as he was/is a single parent, as for ladders versus vacuum as long as the gutters are clean who really cares? same with the windows wfp or trad you get the same result ie clean windows just a different way of doing it. as an aside he did clean jeremy clarksons windows only the tight git never paid if i remember.
last i heard on youtube he had been really ill yet had found a partner and moved out of a converted ambulance hed been living in . Jeremy clarkson laughed in his face when he asked for payment for the window cleaning and being the humble,gentle guy that he is, Ant just slunk away
I agree everything has moved on but we do 2 blocks of flats that have 6' fences inbetween each flat, and a 5' stone wall where you've no chance of getting a vac anywhere near so ladders are a must.
We however use Pro Gutter Tools on the end of an adapted Gardinerr pole. One man up the ladder and the other pushing, pulling the 💩 to them
They look awful places to live. Are they fairly new builds or conversion of old buildings? Those leaves would be a nightmare covering the garden blowing in when opening patio doors and no chance for plants to grow. Like living in a forest- And how dank And dark they must be when trees in full foliage. 😩

That roof looks ripe for a scrape and treatment. No wonder you have to do the gutters. Are they annual or twice yearly empties? Do you have to clean the windows too with those silly railings?

I despair at architects/planners sometimes.
it also look like it could double as an excellent weapon, like a double headed axe . Iv had discussions in the past wi my lads about what would we do if we saw a maniac running down street with a child hostage or whatever ?
Hearing about the windy that selflessly ran into the chaos in Southport the other day I thought about similar things and came to conclusion my 18" ettore super channel might be best bet (minus the handle) or 6" ninja scraper on a trad pole to keep your distance.
They look awful places to live. Are they fairly new builds or conversion of old buildings? Those leaves would be a nightmare covering the garden blowing in when opening patio doors and no chance for plants to grow. Like living in a forest- And how dank And dark they must be when trees in full foliage. 😩

That roof looks ripe for a scrape and treatment. No wonder you have to do the gutters. Are they annual or twice yearly empties? Do you have to clean the windows too with those silly railings?

I despair at architects/planners sometimes.
They are flats, and are done twice a year. We stopped doing the PM Company windows as we didn't believe we weren't getting a fair deal as they have their own window cleaners and were cherry picking the best work.
When we did do them we had to knock on the doors and go through the flat to trad them, if the resident was in and wanted us to do them. There's something like 16 balconies, on 2 blocks and we did, on average 1 balcony per 3 monthly wash.
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I've never taken drugs personally, but reading some of the later comments on this post makes me feel like I have. Jesus christ Mark only came on to show the attachment that he has designed.

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