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Additives to the tank


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Guess it wuld be nice to know what is in it so we don't go destroying peoples windows... lol

I Cant see what's wrong with expecting to know what's in the additive. I would have thought that would be law anyway when selling a chemical or liquid to provide the ingredients especially for shipment so if there is a spillage emergency services know what they are dealing with. I know when I was a traffic office supervisor this was the case.

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To transport it you would have to know exactly what is in it to comply with coshh and to know whether it can be transported without an adr licence and what details need to be disclosed to emergency services in case of an accident

That is law

I have adr licence and know the rules

It is impressive how the fire brigade deal with spillage emergencies. I remember years ago we had a trailer arrive from our hub in birmingham, on opening the trailer it was clear there was a spillage so we had to get the fire brigade it was an impressive thing to watch them set up carry out something that had clearly been rehearsed many times as they just don't go diving in to the trailer procedures had to be followed.

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Plus they have to know if it can be allowed to get into our water system etc

That changes how they deal with it as can't wash it away

Mum was in the brigade..they train for every possibility

somebod i knew had his gardening van catch fire by side of his house. the firebrigade wouldnt touch it cos he admitted he had a gallon can of petrol in the van. bloomin ridiculous- later the ground where the old van had stood had to be dug out and carted away to Wales ,toxic soil, contaminated by fuel. its a crazy world!

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being a trad guy and having heard about how how our additives :rolleyes: can be bad for window seals from w.f.p pure devotees ( no one on here /emoticons/biggrin.png ) wonder affect this will have after a year or two on window seals?

really enjoying this post or thread :thumbsup:

its like talking about coke wannabe and its secret formula :ninja:

I agree Norm no matter what you think about the practice of an additive its got everyone talking and that for me is what this place is all about. I do believe that the post was started for our thoughts from I think a genuine intention but with that the negative feedback has to be taken as positively as the positive feedback and not personally as I think sometimes it has been.

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I would be interested to know what qualifications these guys have.

Looking at their website advertised in this thread, it seems that they are window cleaners.

If i were buying from an already established manufacturer like smith kline beecham, or bayer or unger, or whoever then folks would not be so worried about it.

But when a new chemical product is being advertised by some window cleaners, then you would have to be a complete dimwit to not question the product!

How was it developed?

By whom?

What is in it?

Is it safe?

How extensive has the testing been carried out?

How does it work?

Why does it work?

What are the side effects?

Need i go on?

All fair questions.

I understand that you guys will no doubt find it hard not to take all the posts personally, but the reality is that, nobody else is as passionate about your product as you are .

So, we all await to be convinced.


I'm just wondering if the additive can be made easily by ones self and that's why it's so secretive or is a patent pending? but untill we are told exactly what it is speculation will go on.

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:rofl::rofl: If someone ten years ago said I would be squirting water on windows to clean them , I would of fallen over laughing :rofl::rofl:

Most still do especially old folk like me :laugh:

:rofl::rofl: If someone ten years ago said I would be squirting water on windows to clean them , I would of fallen over laughing :rofl::rofl:
I am doing more and more gutters and fascias now

Weekends are.good for them sonit don't interfere with windows

Getting fed up with this tradding fascias and gutters now when i see how easy it is for you wfp guys

Roll on January

There is bloody good money to be had doing weekend work thats for sure and is dead easy to pick up more work too:)

Got another gutter job today (neighbour of the one i did)

Easy job as all leaves no sludgy crap

And they want windows done regular

That's in my best road

That makes 8 houses in a row in a cul de sac with only 1 house not mine in a row

Nice one ...Just goes to show weekend work pays well in more ways than one :thumbsup:

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