Hi to everyone, thank you all for your recent help with my teething problems, mainly air in pope issues, I think I have solved the problem, I will explain and maybe it is of use to someone else... I have a genie in a box, and a small 210 ltr tank, 100 metres of hose and a clx 22 with 2 extensions. I need the van for other things gs, so I regularly disconnect everything, so, on reconnecting I always ( 99 out of 100) have air in the pipes, causing a ps ( pressure switch) or a de (dead end). De is usually cured by running pump at full floor, and sucking water from the pump out pipe, letting the flow run until no bubbles (I have clear braided pipes) so I can see when clear, then connect to hose reel. This works most times. But often I found as soon as I put the pump out hose to the reel the pump goes into 'ps mode' and won't pump at all.... Can't even suck water thru. Just pump is dead not even trying. My only solution(not tested over time) had been to disconnect everything, shake pump box ( trying to dislodge air etc), wait a whie and then try again. Some days this didn't work and I had no dosh on those days. A solution to this that seems to work reliably, is at reconnect turn pump up full and calibrate to full, connect everything ( do the suck if needed), and once you have established good flow thru, turn down appropriately. This seems to work!!