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Am I mad?


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So I bought a little budget Pressure washer (Parker Brand 2900psi 11l/min) to do a few jobs for existing customers and I have done a few jobs so far, all good.
I have been asked to quote for approximately 200sqm of block paving driveway. Am I mad to consider doing it with such a small machine or is it just a case of it taking a lot longer and it will be fine? I will include resanding as it's quite a well used driveway. I have yet to check drainage and tap pressure but I will.

Should I go for it or swerve it?
So I bought a little budget Pressure washer (Parker Brand 2900psi 11l/min) to do a few jobs for existing customers and I have done a few jobs so far, all good.
I have been asked to quote for approximately 200sqm of block paving driveway. Am I mad to consider doing it with such a small machine or is it just a case of it taking a lot longer and it will be fine? I will include resanding as it's quite a well used driveway. I have yet to check drainage and tap pressure but I will.

Should I go for it or swerve it?
In theory it will do it but take much longer than a bigger machine should get similar results especially if using hypo
Just been to have a look and it's 225sqm, drainage looks good, all slopes down to central drain point plus gravel on 2 sides. Tap flow 17l/min.
No idea how long that would take me but it's a bit scary! Was thinking of about £4/sqm including resand? Is that about right or am I way off?
So I bought a little budget Pressure washer (Parker Brand 2900psi 11l/min) to do a few jobs for existing customers and I have done a few jobs so far, all good.
I have been asked to quote for approximately 200sqm of block paving driveway. Am I mad to consider doing it with such a small machine or is it just a case of it taking a lot longer and it will be fine? I will include resanding as it's quite a well used driveway. I have yet to check drainage and tap pressure but I will.

Should I go for it or swerve it?
I'll plead the fifth on your initial question, what will you be doing if you're not doing this job? I believe you think a similar way to the way I do. Your costs are low so you'll still earn decent money if it takes you 3 days, earn and learn. Only thing that would worry me would be will the machine manage working long hours non stop on a job that size.
Just been to have a look and it's 225sqm, drainage looks good, all slopes down to central drain point plus gravel on 2 sides. Tap flow 17l/min.
No idea how long that would take me but it's a bit scary! Was thinking of about £4/sqm including resand? Is that about right or am I way off?
I got asked to quote for a similar size drive last year when I turned up two days after the woman phoned me to quote the job she had done half of it with a B and Q bought tiny karcher pressure washer I said you don’t need me just keep going 😂😂😂 it took her a total of 3-4 days but she did it with that and to be fair it didn’t look to bad , we would have done it in a morning but it saved her a lot of money
So I bought a little budget Pressure washer (Parker Brand 2900psi 11l/min) to do a few jobs for existing customers and I have done a few jobs so far, all good.
I have been asked to quote for approximately 200sqm of block paving driveway. Am I mad to consider doing it with such a small machine or is it just a case of it taking a lot longer and it will be fine? I will include resanding as it's quite a well used driveway. I have yet to check drainage and tap pressure but I will.

Should I go for it or swerve it?
I will take you more time than you'd imagine and you'd not get the best results with a cheap fsc or green tip in the lance
Why don't you just hire a decent machine for the job..
I was thinking of that but then I would need a buffer tank and I have very limited space in my van - hence the small pressure washer as it's all I can fit in!
I can only find 15l/min machines locally to hire so while it would be quicker it's not worth the hassle as it would have to be left at the customers overnight and it's a children's home so I wouldn't want tempt them to have a play!
Cheers. I have a turbo so it will be slow but should give reasonable results.
That will take an eternity. Be careful you don't get swirling as most turbo nozzles for your size machine never get enough pressure and flow. Also by a longer lance as your back will be killing after 20 minutes

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