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Any ideas water supplier markings!


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I have rung them and asked why it the only one with these markings on my outside tap.

They said the pipe is getting replaced to the boundary of my house routine. Random how 30 houses on the street and its the windoe cleaners you do.

I'm not on a water meter

The two houses next to me the one before has a meter and the one after doesn't.

Can they place anything underneath to keep count of water passing through? Its on a road so surely not.

Has this happened to anyone else?
I don't know what they are doing there but they can insist on a water meter if they think you're using excess water.

In practice, a water company can install a water meter and charge on that basis, if the household customer:

  • uses an automatic watering device (such as a garden sprinkler);
  • automatically fills a swimming pool or pond;
  • has a large bath;
  • uses a reverse osmosis softening unit;
  • has a power shower;
  • is the new occupier of a property (provided an unmetered bill has not already been sent to that occupier); or
  • lives in an area which has been determined by the Secretary of State to be an area of serious water stress and subject to a metering programme as part of a plan to maintain secure water supplies.
I don't know what they are doing there but they can insist on a water meter if they think you're using excess water.

In practice, a water company can install a water meter and charge on that basis, if the household customer:

  • uses an automatic watering device (such as a garden sprinkler);
  • automatically fills a swimming pool or pond;
  • has a large bath;
  • uses a reverse osmosis softening unit;
  • has a power shower;
  • is the new occupier of a property (provided an unmetered bill has not already been sent to that occupier); or
  • lives in an area which has been determined by the Secretary of State to be an area of serious water stress and subject to a metering programme as part of a plan to maintain secure water supplies.
So you'd say it's just random.
Not 100% sure but thought blue markings were used in suspected leak areas for another team to look at , they send one guy round to listen to the pipe and water meter if they think they can hear a leak it’s marked and reported and checked by the leak section , or that’s what happens hear anyway .
That's what you'd think they arrange to come view the house to check. But the said there putting a communicating pipe in that got me thinking.
A quick Google came up with this

A quick Google came up with this

We have a lot of covers and hydrants with blue paint by them down hear then a few weeks later they have been dug up and you notice the new tarmac ???
Someone may have mentioned to the water company that a window cleaner in the street is wasting alot of water. So they would need to back this up with facts hence a communication device and record how much you are using. After a few months they will have the info and a meter will be installed so you pay for what you are using. That's my take on it, fwiw.
Someone may have mentioned to the water company that a window cleaner in the street is wasting alot of water. So they would need to back this up with facts hence a communication device and record how much you are using. After a few months they will have the info and a meter will be installed so you pay for what you are using. That's my take on it, fwiw.
They're not going to go to that extreme to record the use they would need to put a manhole cover in the middle of the road. Alot of work that just to catch someone far cheaper visiting my house.
Someone may have mentioned to the water company that a window cleaner in the street is wasting alot of water. So they would need to back this up with facts hence a communication device and record how much you are using. After a few months they will have the info and a meter will be installed so you pay for what you are using. That's my take on it, fwiw.
How would the neighbours define that he is wasting water when the vast majority haven't a clue and just assume we fill our van tanks with tap water, Northumbrian Water are one of the worst for wasting water by not detecting leaks about 10 miles from me a sink hole opened up and houses started subsiding all because of mains water pipe that had been leaking for years the sink hole was vast.
They're not going to go to that extreme to record the use they would need to put a manhole cover in the middle of the road. Alot of work that just to catch someone far cheaper visiting my house.
To top it off taps in the house have lost a little pressure and pushing air through so hopefully there is a leak ?
They're not going to go to that extreme to record the use they would need to put a manhole cover in the middle of the road. Alot of work that just to catch someone far cheaper visiting my house.
Not a manhole just a small liftable cover like for a water meter, they can just stop the water supply cut the water pipe put T piece and counter in that's it
Keep an eye on your sediment filter as any work on the pipes could result in lots of sediment coming in and blocking your filter! Might be worth getting a few spares just in case?


Weirdly I saw some blue markings outside a customers house today, looked like blue circle with No 36 in and line to road shutoff / meter access point. Customer does have a big fish pond outside at rear so maybe use a fair bit of water but I doubt they are checking up on them.

Worst case you will get a meter and pay for the water you use but it's not too bad considering how much you can make with the pure!
Not a manhole just a small liftable cover like for a water meter, they can just stop the water supply cut the water pipe put T piece and counter in that's it
Surely not worth the money to do that. And just come and visit. Is what it is and the end of the day just would like to know
I've look on my cctv the where listening along the stretch they've marked out it's just the fact the call centre said no leak just routine maintenance.
Surely not worth the money to do that. And just come and visit. Is what it is and the end of the day just would like to know
Doing so then makes it easier for them to install a meter at some point whether they decide to do so or if you sell your house in the future and the new owner requests a meter.

We will be having our old lead water supply pipe replaced this year or next year which we will be paying a private contractor to do but Northumbrian water will be put in a T-piece on the water main pipe which runs along the street they have to put their bit in as they don't allow the contractors to do it, this what the lad told me when he came out and quoted me for the job
Doing so then makes it easier for them to install a meter at some point whether they decide to do so or if you sell your house in the future and the new owner requests a meter.

We will be having our old lead water supply pipe replaced this year or next year which we will be paying a private contractor to do but Northumbrian water will be put in a T-piece on the water main pipe which runs along the street they have to put their bit in as they don't allow the contractors to do it, this what the lad told me when he came out and quoted me for the job
Dear me you still have lead pipes thought that was outlawed years ago ?…
Dear me you still have lead pipes thought that was outlawed years ago ?…
We still have a lead water main in this house and the last one. Last one still had a lot of lead pipes inside the house too! We had a leak from 1 2 days before we completed on the sale! That was fun getting it fixed!!!
This house just main incoming then after stopcock it changes to copper!

Nothing illegal about having lead just not allowed to solder to it at all!
We still have a lead water main in this house and the last one. Last one still had a lot of lead pipes inside the house too! We had a leak from 1 2 days before we completed on the sale! That was fun getting it fixed!!!
This house just main incoming then after stopcock it changes to copper!

Nothing illegal about having lead just not allowed to solder to it at all!
I thought all drinking water had to stop coming through lead pipe work years ago , it’s quite dangerous to drink water from it over a long time especially if the water has sat in the pipes and not been flushed through for a while
I thought all drinking water had to stop coming through lead pipe work years ago , it’s quite dangerous to drink water from it over a long time especially if the water has sat in the pipes and not been flushed through for a while
Some water companies contribute to replacements depending on the age of the property but as far as I know nothing requiring it's removal!