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Any tips on this first wfp job?


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Viro sol, checked van there! anti grease cleaner,is non acidic so can use on alloy too..worked pretty well.

Used it to scrub house facia last week was impressed tbh.

Carefull with viro sol

Leave it too long on fascias and it can leave a yellow stain

I much prefer ubik as it doesn't stain easily

I would use very weak virosol on self cleaning glass as it is less easy to damage it with

Use it but just be carefull with it

If you make it too strong and use when it is hot and will dry quick you can easily stain upvc with it

It was painted white wood infact today, but take the point seriously, especially in this warm weather.

Should be a nice easy clean each month now, some filth came off that today though.

I use a battery powered pressure washer for rinsing, it's about as powerful as a garden hose (good enough) you don't want Karcher pressure washer power especially on con roofs it'll blow all kinds of crap outta the roof seals.

I use a spray gun on the end if customer has a hose in the garden if not i use my wfp hose connected to tap

Then final rinse with brush and pure
