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Been traditional now for 9 years! Help WFP


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Andrew rigby

been cleaning windows for 9 years now nice little round £1200 a week between 2 of us.

Got 62 plate Astra estate with small ifor Williams trailer on back for ladders.

Looking to expand but have no clue about pole systems.

- what's the cheapest way to get started

- do I need I bigger vehicle (only had current vehicle 1 year)

- would you then do my whole round with pole or just the new jobs (some of my existing work is too cheap to be getting pole off and cleaning all frames)

- how much of a good job does a pole do and how do you go about pricing

Thanks for the help


you seem to be doing ok already.i suggest b4 spending too much money.buy a backpack & a cheap pole + 25 ltr barrels.start cleaning tops water fed pole & bottoms trad which obviously you can do.you have to put the hard work in on all 1st cleans, all frames cills above vents etc..this is what gives wfp a bad name.(if not done correctly)wfp is only as good as the op using it.& yes it does a good job!!!.oh & you will need a di vessel or buy your water,which a lot do.all the best.

yes ide say get a bk pk and start interducing it slowly c how u get on with it wfp gives a beta clean than trad on 90 percent of jobs its wood windows than can b a issue some times i ran a astra estate with 10 25l drums in the back for 2 years b 4 i upgraded to a van with a tank good luck


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