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Best Gardiner hose for Univalve


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Hello. What is the best Gardiner hose to use with a univalve please? (Cold water).

Is the green PU hose best? I think the hose I use at the moment isn't recommended for with a univalve.

I'm trying to make work a bit easier and more streamlined, so upgrading a few minor things (like starting to use a univalve etc).

Thank you.
Green PU is very good but it does take a good while for it to lose some of it's 'coil memory'. I think as you use it it gets scuffed up a bit so it's not as shiny and doesn't stick to it's self.
@ched999uk thanks very much Ched. Just trying to make the time in-between cleaning windows a bit smoother and save a little water. Another window cleaner I know uses one and it's really helped his work 👍.