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Brexit And E.U Law


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Poles Apart

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I was against leaving Europe because I have a business and it looks like it could take a hit with the grim Economic forecasts again but how does leaving effect European laws do they not apply to us now such as the use of ladders wfpolers have long played on "illegal ladder use" to promote business.

Ladder use is a hse directive and nothing to do with Europe as far as i know

I so disagree with the wfp guys spouting lies though

If i want to use my ladders i will but also i prefer to wfp tops now as it is safer

Ladder use is a hse directive and nothing to do with Europe as far as i knowI so disagree with the wfp guys spouting lies though

If i want to use my ladders i will but also i prefer to wfp tops now as it is safer
I've got a mate with a successful business (not window cleaning) he knows about things he used to be a roofer he reckons you can't use a ladder for more than 20 mins a day.

I started off wfp tops only but didn't last long til going all out.
I've got a mate with a successful business (not window cleaning) he knows about things he used to be a roofer he reckons you can't use a ladder for more than 20 mins a day.
I recently read the hse's guidelines on ladder use and that is not true

If you are going to be working in 1 spot up a ladder for more tham 20 minutes i.e painting a wall then you are expected to find an alternative way

Basically they want people to use ladders as a last resort when their is no other feasible way i.e tower scaffolding cost too much for the job you are doing etc

Window cleaners who do not have wfp have no real feasible option other than to use ladders but it is a short enough duration between ladder movements that they can't say anything about it

If you have employees then you are expected to do regular ladder inspections etc

I've got a mate with a successful business (not window cleaning) he knows about things he used to be a roofer he reckons you can't use a ladder for more than 20 mins a day
This isn't true. I remember buying my first years business insurance and asking the firm all about the legality of ladders. They told me it was fine and insured me to use them, and in fact still do. Thats all I'd be concerned with.

As for the EU, if you do your research, you'll see that all the red tape it has imposed on small businesses has made life a lot HARDER not easier for small businesses. And there is a reason for all of that. Its because in the end they want everything run by giant corporations.

It's up to six meters for 30 minutes a time.

I've got a mate with a successful business (not window cleaning) he knows about things he used to be a roofer he reckons you can't use a ladder for more than 20 mins a day.
Ladders aren't banned that's toss.

I use my ladder many times a week. There is no LAW, just guidelines - you could be prosecuted if you do damage to someone or something for failing to use the guidelines but you can't be prosecuted for using a ladder in general.


The law says that ladders can be used for work at height when a risk assessment has shown that using equipment offering a higher level of fall protection is not justified because of the low risk and short duration of use; or there are existing workplace features which cannot be altered. Short duration is not the deciding factor in establishing whether use of a ladder is acceptable or not – you should have first considered the risk. As a guide, if your task would require staying up a leaning ladder or stepladder for more than 30 minutes at a time, it is recommended that you consider alternative equipment. You should only use ladders in situations where they can be used safely, eg where the ladder will be level and stable, and where it is reasonably practicable to do so, the ladder can be secured.

Full article here.


I was against leaving Europe because I have a business and it looks like it could take a hit with the grim Economic forecasts
This is a classic by the way. It is about the belief that our prosperity and abundance is dependent on the EU / government. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only reason the entire ediface is held together is because we believe in it. Its a house of cards.

Its hard for me to explain what I mean without writing pages and pages. But the bottom line is that fear is in charge if you believe the hype

I think you will find all the EU law's we have here now we will keep after brexit and the government will relegislate all the **** and get rid or alter to suit the UK. That's assuming the winger's that keep trying to scupper brexit don't get there own way. Funny thing is them still going on about doom and gloom are the ones that are screwing the economy.

@Andy Totally mate. What peope need to do on mass is release their fear and stop believeing propaganda!! Our prosperity and abundance is our own responsibility. It doesn't depend on our systems
Funny that bit about working longer than 20 minutes from a ladder and using scaffolding. That would seem to suggest that the risk of you having an accident when working on ladders is higher when working from one position for prolonged periods when in my experience it's the other way around. All the slips I ever had in 30+ years of using ladders were mostly when I was climbing up or down, seldom when standing in one spot. The work I currently do in a day would require me to climb a ladder 120 times a day if I didn't do it with a pole

The 30 min duration thing is to do with fatigue. And theoretically the slips and falls when climbing shouldn't happen if you are following the other guidelines...


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