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Brown cladding


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Well-known member
Hi all
Worked in this industrial unit today, washing the cladding (well, more of a cobwebs removal as the bird muck would not shift, helluva stain), windows, gutters.
There was this side, approx 12 metres along, one on the reverse & 2 sides around 18 metres in length each - pretty much. Took me 5 & half hours at a pace I was happy with. Pretty sure I undercharged it so was after some opinions on a) how you would quote this sort of job and b) whether that bird muck can be removed or if it's fubar.


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Can’t see any bird poo in the picture ? But generally yes it should come off , did you use any detergent Or just water ? A detergent is always a good idea as it will soften and help remove anything stuck on the cladding spray a section up with your chosen product leave it for a few muinits then scrub and rinse , job done , sometimes there will be permanent staining damage from acidic bird poo but there is nothing you can do about that .
Can’t see any bird poo in the picture ? But generally yes it should come off , did you use any detergent Or just water ? A detergent is always a good idea as it will soften and help remove anything stuck on the cladding spray a section up with your chosen product leave it for a few muinits then scrub and rinse , job done , sometimes there will be permanent staining damage from acidic bird poo but there is nothing you can do about that .
Thank you. I did just use pure water to be fair. That was the better side of the building so there wasn't much on there.
Hi all
Worked in this industrial unit today, washing the cladding (well, more of a cobwebs removal as the bird muck would not shift, helluva stain), windows, gutters.
There was this side, approx 12 metres along, one on the reverse & 2 sides around 18 metres in length each - pretty much. Took me 5 & half hours at a pace I was happy with. Pretty sure I undercharged it so was after some opinions on a) how you would quote this sort of job and b) whether that bird muck can be removed or if it's fubar.
For bird poo get a sprayer or backpack with warm water and commercial strength white vinegar

Can't give you any information on quotes as I'm not physically there to see the scale of the building, travelling location from home, man power etc.

It sounds harsh but it's up to you on what you charge. You need to create a pricing matrix yourself based on area, height etc
There are many ways to measure and calculate a fee
no wonder you struggled without any chemical.
bird strike should melt off after a quick scrub or use a pad like the gardeners doodlebug.

like others your pricing is down to you - but always charge well for these bespoke works - at least a full days money

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