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Business Insurance


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I am having an RO system fitted mid October in my van
Any suggestions for business insurance?
I am having a few stupid quotes?
Do people insure their equipment?
been with Clear Business/ insurance Octopus several years , they are so helpful if you want to add extra cover for different tradework .I was with Simply Business several years i liked reading their monthly blog and very professional but the costs at renewal kept on rising each year .
one tip i can give is get chatting to whoever you are talking to on the phone. Took me many years to realize that if i did that the insurance bod can actually offer all sorts ,not least a hefty discount .Ive chatted about all sorts especially good tac is ask them how their days going..... sliding off early to watch footie,,,Bobby Robson story ,,,,moving into holiday stories,,,Cyprus exchange rate ,,,,family woes, ,,,back into insurance and so on. Dont rush the man or woman
one tip i can give is get chatting to whoever you are talking to on the phone. Took me many years to realize that if i did that the insurance bod can actually offer all sorts ,not least a hefty discount .Ive chatted about all sorts especially good tac is ask them how their days going..... sliding off early to watch footie,,,Bobby Robson story ,,,,moving into holiday stories,,,Cyprus exchange rate ,,,,family woes, ,,,back into insurance and so on. Dont rush the man or woman
Totally agree, Build up a relationship with those that you need to operate. Speaking to real people over the phone saves hundreds. Personal tailored packages with only the things you need. Online quotes are always a high percentage marginal quote. Emphasis on the word " quote" it's a far open guess