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I’m new to this. I’m planning to set up a WFP round for myself. What are people’s experiences with the canvassing companies for building a round? Or would I be better off just going on the knock myself? Thanks for any help, as I said I’m very new to this.
Much better canvassing yourself as it’s free and the potential customers are meeting the guy that will be doing the work and you can build up a rapport with them
Totally agree with this. Get out there and knock doors and take leaflets with you for when there’s nobody home. It can be brutal some days but it will pay off in the end if you put the hard yards in. This game, like all others, will pay off if you are dedicated and get out there day after day.
It’s not easy but very rewarding in the end
yes I agree - knock yourself - this will give you excellent experience on pricing and people skills.

Canvassers have their place but you need to know what you want and price structure for them to work to otherwise they will just book in cr@p work thats underpaid
Much better canvassing yourself as it’s free and the potential customers are meeting the guy that will be doing the work and you can build up a rapport with them
This 👆👆. It costs you time but no money and that's so important early on. @Jetwasher It's tricky at first but you soon get the hang of it. Plus you'll learn which areas you pick up the most/best customers in, which is much better for your bank balance when you don't need to drive around miles all day to each job. Maybe have a polo shirt with your business name on it. My only thing is if someone says "no thanks, I already have a window cleaner" or "I clean them myself" when its obvious from how dirty they are that they actually don't, I just say "no problem, thanks for your time". I have heard of window cleaners saying things like "well he doesn't do a very good job then" or "blimey, when was he last here?" and similar, but all that does is cause embarrassment. One of the first customers I ever had I then knocked on the next door neighbour and the lady said "no, I clean them or my son does them for me". They are still absolutely filthy and haven't been cleaned for years by the look of them, but because I was polite she now asks me to clear the gutters twice a year.
This 👆👆. It costs you time but no money and that's so important early on. @Jetwasher It's tricky at first but you soon get the hang of it. Plus you'll learn which areas you pick up the most/best customers in, which is much better for your bank balance when you don't need to drive around miles all day to each job. Maybe have a polo shirt with your business name on it. My only thing is if someone says "no thanks, I already have a window cleaner" or "I clean them myself" when its obvious from how dirty they are that they actually don't, I just say "no problem, thanks for your time". I have heard of window cleaners saying things like "well he doesn't do a very good job then" or "blimey, when was he last here?" and similar, but all that does is cause embarrassment. One of the first customers I ever had I then knocked on the next door neighbour and the lady said "no, I clean them or my son does them for me". They are still absolutely filthy and haven't been cleaned for years by the look of them, but because I was polite she now asks me to clear the gutters twice a year.
(y) You always need to treat everyone as a potential future customer.

There are people who are happy to live with dirty windows. Who are we to judge them? We aren't looking for those people as customers. We want those who do want clean windows.

Canvassing can be soul-destroying if you spend hours doing it and not finding much response. Trying another area might bring better results for anyone struggling.

In sales, we were always taught to see customer rejection in a positive light. Each 'no' brings you closer to a 'yes' so look forward to a 'no.'

I don't have a sign written van, but it is an excellent way of advertising if it's eye catching. If you are not working on a Sunday, park your sign written van in a conspicuous place where people can't fail to see it. There are plenty of parking areas which are not time-limited. In our area, Aldi, Asda, and B&M are just a couple of suggestions.
I used to canvass myself but got totally fed up with it, I have heard most stories about canvassing Co and what they charge, sometimes 3 times the first clean, but then i had the pleasure of meeting a canvasser i had heard off in my local area called Kevin. He works on his own and not with a company, He has been window cleaning canvassing for the past 25 years and is very very proffessional in every aspect.
He only charges 1.5 the first clean, and anyting else he picks up i.e conserve roof clean, gutter cleans ect..he does not charge for, and gives the work for free I asked him it was ok to mention him on here before i did.
If you clean in the South West London are, Bracknell area,, Surrey area and you would be interested ,then his number is 07511018309.
Some of these canvassing companies claim to be able to canvas as much work as you want in whatever area you want. Sometimes quoting £2000-£3000 per months worth of work.
I’m just not having it thats doable in absolutely ANY area
start with no delay or you will get cold feet , iv seen that so many times over the years those who plan it all out but then cannot face it.One guy was a cocky sod "iv launched planes,put ships in the air or was it the sea blah blah and now windows wont be so hard ".............well he got ladder fright and then bought the wfp gear following day but couldnt get it working using a pole upside down by all accounts,would not listen to advice from forum gurus he knew best
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I'm a window cleaner and canvasser for other companies. I only work in the home counties area. I don't have a team, I offer a very personal service. If you are interested email me steve @ gadgetfox.uk