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Couple of years of hell, then sorted, then this...


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Clearview Lee

Well-known member
Northwest London

I had hell with my machine since day one, and nearly jacked the whole thing in on several occasions, then, upon buying my 4th new lesuire battery in 3 years I discovered the culprit being the filter in the actual tank (which I didn't even know was there!) was lodge with plastic manufacturer shavings.

Anyway, I cleaned it all up, and it's been a dream for 3 months with a brand new battery, but now it's saying my Sealed Numax 110 Ah battery is dead after this short time. After charging over night its reading 11.2 on the Digital Pump Controller, and struggled all day long.

Am I doing anything wrong;

I charge overnight every Sunday

It then runs on a Split Charge Relay

Soon as I park up I connect a solar panelled trickle charger, then disconnect when I'm off again.

Any ideas??

Much appreciate your help peeps

Try it without the split charge relay?

What's it showing after a full charge? Should be 13.4+ atleast after charging...

if I was having constant battery issues like that I would revert to charging overnight only. It's a pain in the arse taking the battery out but it cuts down the options for what's going wrong. Run like that for a few months to make sure then you'll have a better idea of where the problem lies.

Also I was told my battery charger has a quick or slow charge switch and it must be charged slowly or will kill the Lesuire battery

To identify where your problem is you need to isolate/discount possible issues.

First thing to do is check that your split charge relay is working. With the engine running it should read about 14.2 to 14.5v. You can check that with a good multimeter.

Then check that your battery charger is working. When its charging the battery check the voltage across the terminals. It should be charging at anywhere between 13.2 to 13.8 volts. When you finished charging your battery, let it stand for 4 hours. Then do a voltage reading. It should be 12.7 volts or slightly higher.

Then I would take the solar panel out of your charging regime. Instead of charging your battery it could be drawing current. Disconnect your leisure battery earth cable every night for a week and see what happens.

Personally I think you should be supplementary charging your battery every couple of days not just once a week, but I don't know your routine.

A fast charger can kill a leisure battery, but anything around 10 amps is fine. It needs to be a proper intelligent leisure battery charger.

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To identify where your problem is you need to isolate/discount possible issues.
First thing to do is check that your split charge relay is working. With the engine running it should read about 14.2 to 14.5v. You can check that with a good multimeter.

Then check that your battery charger is working. When its charging the battery check the voltage across the terminals. It should be charging at anywhere between 13.2 to 13.8 volts. When you finished charging your battery, let it stand for 4 hours. Then do a voltage reading. It should be 12.7 volts or slightly higher.

Then I would take the solar panel out of your charging regime. Instead of charging your battery it could be drawing current. Disconnect your leisure battery earth cable every night for a week and see what happens.

Personally I think you should be supplementary charging your battery every couple of days not just once a week, but I don't know your routine.

A fast charger can kill a leisure battery, but anything around 10 amps is fine. It needs to be a proper intelligent leisure battery charger.
I like, agree and find this post informative :thumbsup:

Could be constantly over discharging it?
I did some figures but son in law often let his Numax battery go flat or in a low state of charge, but his battery is 4 years old, and of last month still gave him a full day's work.

I figured that if he ran 4 to 5 hours pumping time a day ( 8 hours work time), his pump consuming 4.5 amps would use 18/22.5 amps per day.

If he worked 5 days a week then he has used 90/112.5 amps. With his SCR we could have replenished 4 amps per day (excluding drive to work on Monday morning with a fully charged battery) presuming his journey time to and from work plus in between driving of approx 1/2 an hour would be 18 amps.

So @Diwrnach using this scenario his battery would be is the less than 50% of fully charged from Wednesday evening. And you are right, leisure batteries like to be fully recharged as soon as possible.

But I would have thought the battery would have lasted longer than 3 months, even with this scenario.

Axed the SCR this morning for the first time ever, and batt went all day till bout 8-2pm constant before dying down again. Batt Prob done in from over-charging previously. See how it goes tomorrow on another overnight charge. Btw...I have a c-tek smart charger and it doesn't have a option to charge slowly.

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Axed the SCR this morning for the first time ever, and batt went all day till bout 8-2pm constant before dying down again. Batt Prob done in from over-charging previously. See how it goes tomorrow on another overnight charge. Btw...I have a c-tek smart charger and it doesn't have a option to charge slowly.

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That c-tex smart charger will be fine. I believe they have repair mode. Use that tonight as it pulses the battery with a higher charge voltage, around 16v. It may help to bring your battery back to a higher capacity.

Go and see a motor sparky and stop playing around with it. They are worth their money. Paid one £100 to sort my system out 4 years ago. Never had a single problem, and thats two guys a day nearly 5 days a week for 4 years

Go and see a motor sparky and stop playing around with it. They are worth their money. Paid one £100 to sort my system out 4 years ago. Never had a single problem, and thats two guys a day nearly 5 days a week for 4 years
What did they do to sort it out?? Or what were u doing wrong??

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What did they do to sort it out?? Or what were u doing wrong??

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I didn't touch a single wire. I firmly believe in pay once well and never pay again.

i charge mine once a week, after 4/5 days work,usually 300 litres a day
Just looked into that. It says 'Connect & Forget' as though to keep it permanently on charge, is that it correct if u charge yours once a week??

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