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Deep hatred of soffits/fascia cleaning. Easiest way to get job done?


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The point of the thread was to make my hatred of S/F more bearable not less. The only thing going into a bucket of water would be my head :D
When you dip your brush into your bucket you can give the fascia a good scrub/agitation and get it exactly where you want it.
First thing I do is wet all fascia with pure, light scrub, them if it's bad and 9 times out of ten I dont need chemicals pure does the job but if it's bad, I put virosol on one side of house via brush leave it to dwell making sure windows stays wet so it won't stain them. Then just scrub fascia a couple.of times and wash down. I have the kit to spray or pressure wash but prefer the method detailed as I am faster doing it like this.
Horrible work. I sub it out now. Would rather be earning doing easy windows ?
Exactly, I gave up doing them years ago some people wouldn't pay my prices especially when you have people like Scottish going up a ladder and doing them on the cheap nearly every job I quoted they went and got someone else cheaper so why bother
I've got one to do tomorrow I don't mind them, as doing them then the windows is a nice bonus especially with not having a full round so some extra £ with my existing customers
For me, just pure and the brush does the job, but without the swivel as that does make it more of a challenge!
Just saying with the right kit plastic cleans are quick and easy and good earners
I clean a bit of SFG for some of my neighbours each time I clean their windows. They give me a tip each month so I cleaned half a side and within 4 months its complete. They seemed very happy because I finish their SFG today, all done with pure hot water, couldn't do it without the hot water system I have in case anyone doesn't know. ???

So, windy for quite a few years now, established full time round. My partner will be joining me soon so expanding into gutter clearing. Predator kit ready to go. Have been asked by so many over the years that I will be off running with it straight away.

Here's the thing. I have always shied away from doing soffits and fascia's because I just don't enjoy doing it. The neck ache, awkwardness, time etc, just never wanted to undertake it. Now however, with the gutter clearing and windows I really cant get out of it anymore so I am looking to purchase whatever is needed to make the job a more pleasant and less taxing experience.

I know many will say the obvious..... suck it up buttercup and get scrubbing with a pole and sill brush but honestly , what options are there? The vast majority of my work is two to three storeys. The usual variation of house types. No commercial. I'm thinking toward pressure washers/sprayers etc. Bad idea? Dont shoot me ( I have read eough on forums to know I will get hung for asking) but would a Karcher K7 and a telescopic lance not suffice? It not like its going to be an all day long every day necessity.

On a side note get a lot of weatherboarding enquires as well so a two jobs one stone solution would be great. Money isn't an issue at this point, I just want to make the job as easy as possible.

Any advice would be most welcome. Kind regards

I don’t recommend using a jet wash at all, can quite easily get into the roof space causing all kinds of problems. If you don’t want to do it then just give them a high price, if they still want it then bonus. They are more physically demanding so every now and then isn’t too bad. Got one this Saturday with a conservatory roof, it will only take about 3hrs but I’d have to do a lot of windows in 3hrs to earn the same money, that’s for sure.
I don’t recommend using a jet wash at all, can quite easily get into the roof space causing all kinds of problems. If you don’t want to do it then just give them a high price, if they still want it then bonus. They are more physically demanding so every now and then isn’t too bad. Got one this Saturday with a conservatory roof, it will only take about 3hrs but I’d have to do a lot of windows in 3hrs to earn the same money, that’s for sure.
I’d have to be offered a fortune to work a Saturday whatever the job ??
Yes when I started I was doing 40 hours in 3 days in a full time job long days the other days was building the window cleaning business up when i reached a stage that the windows was earning more then my full time job i handed my notice in
took about a year never looked back but working 7days a week wasn’t easy going but well worth it amazing what you can do if you are determined