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definitely an "outie"


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Dave B

Staff member
Right ive I've tried this hose inside the pole lark for a week now and you can poke it

Definitely much better on the outside

Never had so much :turd: between the pole sections and can feel it rubbing when i extend or collapse the pole

Back on the outside now and perfect

I gave it a try but not for me

Not tried it. Wouldn't it catch on hanging baskets and general clutter around walls?

I broke some plastic novelty pigs that were siliconed to a sill the other day. Bloody clutter.

Not tried it. Wouldn't it catch on hanging baskets and general clutter around walls?
I broke some plastic novelty pigs that were siliconed to a sill the other day. Bloody clutter.
There's a thread somewhere where this all started, where we all gave pros and cons, worth a read...

Inside for me, just flush the pole out with water spray gun at home if you get a bit of crap inside, outside would be a right pain I'd imagine, just another thing to worry about snagging.

Inside for me, just flush the pole out with water spray gun at home if you get a bit of **** inside, outside would be a right pain I'd imagine, just another thing to worry about snagging.
Lasted less than a day with it outside, every tree and bush decided to tangle with it,

Inside for me, each to there own though...

I tried outside when i started, theres not much in it except if you snag it it pulls directly on the fittings at bruish head, i kept snapping my plastic jets...Inside generally better apart from when hose gets old and curly like this gardiners ***** ive got on at the minute, everytime i extend the pole it gets snagged and turns on aquadapater
