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Employing someone


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Currently i have a spare van and 30K per year worth of windows i cant keep up with, i have thought about subbing it but think i would rather have someone PAYE for HMRC reasons, is anyone else doing this successfully ? I own the van outright so low overheads - the window i think if theyre quick muct be worth at least 40ph overall maybe alittle more when i increase my prices in April. Overall its a good round, and also i havent advertsied now much for windows socould be massive if i did it think - if its expands obviously VAT becomes a thing. Curious who is doing it by the book and now much it cost to eomploy soemone properly under Kier new rules ? Thanks for any input appreciate your time
take on parttimers,that way when one lets you down anothers ready to carry the load. And keep any ad you put out to find a worker running too. Every worker iv ever had started p/t with the promise full time IF it works out. -Doling out fliers can be done by a newbie a week or 2 of that should fuel the fire workwise
Yes I like that idea however it’s tough with the whole van insurance side of things
iv not ever had a prob with van insurance,i had a second van and employee who was 32 with a DD conviction i paid around 300 notes for him-this was ten yrs back.more recently i paid 700 notes in driving lessons for an employee and i think it was 300 for him as a second driver hes 25. But he never could pass the theory test so that 700 was wasted,,but its fate.Hes still employed by me.When i first started employing HMRC gave me a disc to put in my computer registered me as an employer,i send in wages details every saturday and iv Always paid the employees NI .Not once have i ever regretted employing even tho im a bad judge of character,given deadbeats "one more chance" against my better judgement! once youve created a sales funnel and workloads high you cannot let -even a deadbeat-go without someone else to do their work.
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the biggest problem with only employing one person legitimately is if something goes wrong, he could be off sock for months and you have to pay him sick pay etc with all the burden falling on you as there's no other staff to make it up from anywhere else.

Your not allowed to do this but if caught it first time it might only be a little warning. By the time you take holiday pay and employers ni into account l, and some sick pay, the hourly rate that your paying him overall will be significantly higher when it's all added in.

If he got a utr number and said he's self employed then he could bill you for his time instead of you dealing with all that. Since your saving on holiday pay etc you could make the job look more attractive to someone by paying 2 or 3 pounds an hour more than what you were originally going to pay. It's not strictly allowed but there's literally thousands of construction companies who still use this for employing people and they seem to get away with it. Less chance of them taking sick time too when they know if they don't work then they don't get paid.

If he's of sick and it rains all day every day that week then you still have to pay him his stat sick pay.
It's not strictly allowed but there's literally thousands of construction companies who still use this for employing people and they seem to get away with it.
Yeah i am unsure how other WC companies put it through their books - like what the emplyee invoice to them looks like ect. Any advice in the area greatly appreciated

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