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My windows, fascia, soft and gutters are a right mess, can't afford to get them cleaned.....
I like getting paid in kind ::p:

Funny how she starts saying she needs this and that when we're about to get on down, yes dear anything you want dear, I'm about to explode here dear /emoticons/angry.png(

yep me saturday morning tuffering....dont last very long....so if i am lucky...thats what sunday is for.....

i notice the bacon defrosting on the window sill....ahh love the weekend.....

yeh back on topic....its very hard to say about which i prefer as for one...it varies according to the job i am on....and the windows you have to face....

do you ever find....you just dont like some areas....and some you love...?

I really am intereste din the trad vs WFP debates. I can see why people come into window cleaning as they can do WFP as dont like using ladders or scared. Hence so many WFP cleaners now, its going to flood the market soon ans will be hard to gain work I think in time, its going to be lock down, in my area I seen 4 WFP cleaners start since September. Worries me. I then look into it myself and then get customers asking me only want a man with a ladder, not that pole thingy. I see it alot, it makes me wonder as I see onlien lots of forums where people moan about it, they also moan its expensive for soemone to take only 10 minutes, so the price comes into it also.

When I first came on here I was thinking of using trad pole all day, but found out and listened here on advice and going the ladder route everyone said. Now all I hear is dont use ladders, dangeous, your mad, get WFP system, it like 9/10 tell me to now on here. Am i going wrong going into ladder work, is it that bad? is it that dangerous you risk every climb? Is there that many accidents you have? I just dont now now, I find the ladders I have going up fine, but people say you will slip, wet floor, ice its a risk, so how did you all do it years ago before WFP came along?

Each to their own I say, as long as you have some safty bits then your ok if you act in th right way. Saying that I am only going up to upstair windows, not fascias and gutters on a ladder.

Coming on here is good, but also a put off too. I dont have the money to go WFP yet and too be honest I am not convinced its a better job, infact I do not tink it is, when i used it I could nto see up close if there marks were gone just by waving a brush over it, I was nto sure, so is that good? Little paint marks or stuck on debrie, how can you 100% tell? You never can. Also I seen a WFP clean and it ran afetr he left with dirt in it as left a mark the rubber frames leakes a little and was holding dirt, so do you have to go back and check windows or do you leave sright away? How on earth can you be 100% sure, you can never be looking from ground. I just do not feel confident using it for that purpose, emm shame as I like the idea but too many floors.

I think WFP was made for like big high buildings and work places, insustry, not residential houses. I feel a lot of people have come into the market as do not have to use ladders.

I dunno I will stick to the dodgy ladder work, windows cleaner with ladders oh gosh!!

I got a job last week that had been trad for about a year, and they weren't happy with his work, anyway, I got a text on Friday evening after doing the job, I did it WFP, it read "Hi Matt, thank you so much for doing a great job on our windows, its the cleanest they've been since we moved in.... I'm going to have to do all the insides now!"

Its the person using the tool, not the tool itself. Oh that had some 3 story, also some dormas etc, I wouldn't have done it trad even when I was trad.


Wfp is good for doing windows that can difficult to reach and also quicker to clean depending on the type of windows you are cleaning.

I do both trad and wfp, trad is better way of cleaning windows I don't care what anyone say but this is JUST my opinion, not fact. I have see window cleaner going up the the ladder doing bad a job. For eg not drying the edge of the windows or cleaning slills or frames.

You will get some on here who will say go wfp only but I don't agree, many houses are easy to clean up the ladder and just as quick as wfp.

I sure there is some threads on here about ladders of ways of how making it safer. Look into that it might help you to work quicker if you feel safer going up.

Dont bother mucking about trad on a pole. I will give you the best advice a window cleaner gave me who have been cleaning windows for more than 30 years. Be honest with the customers and say I can't do that window because it difficult to reach but can do the rest, more often than not they are cool with it.

Some custys i have the rare window i can't get to properly

9 times out of 10 they can be done from inside by putting arm through the gap by the hinges

In fact i have 2 neighbours in a posh area with 5 bed detached houses i have cleaned for the last 10 years in and out monthly and never taken a ladder off my roof

Easier to do the upstairs outs while doing the insides

I miss trad, but save a fortune in gym fees, My arms look like Popeyes even Rambo just by using 65ft pole a few times a week :laugh:

I am going wfp soon but will still trad bottoms

Already got the popeye arms though

I did two jobs today...I hate em...they are way underpriced...so how did I end up with them.? I did a leaflet drop with a newspaper donkeys ago and I ended up with this one job half leaded half normal glass...I said £6.50 she said..but the other guy only charged £5.50 having no work at the time and a bill for the leaflet job I took it on....oh your not going to use a squeegee are you?

I mean really....

so I said why and she said because the last cleaner left soap suds everywhere....so I said...I wouldn't leave soap suds ...so anyway ...I got her house and the second one came within walking distance when her daughter moved near her...

at the time I had little work and could afford to faff about taking ages and hoping someone else on the estate would want me to make it worth my while...

today...I have a new use for her house....she is always at the daughters looking after the baby.....I park at hers ..get out banana and run round wfp everything...

I then walk around and trad the daughters....get my money and by the time I get back I check her windows...why...cause I never wfp the sills so I go up merely to clean the sills...

I use the mothers to learn wfp on....its the sh it glass that I struggle to clean...and today I used a new technique...and...me well chuffed to say it works...bugger off and get your own way of cleaning the sh ite hydrophobic glass...I think I have it sussed..

its on here in the posts somewhere....and of course the elite crew know it anyway...but it just goes to show....every job has its uses..

and she did say...oh you did such a great job last time until the storm came a few days later....

she is really really fussy...the house spotless and of course I know she cleans the windows downstairs in between..

I wonder how long it will be before she finds out my wfp cleaning of her house? I always do it first thing when she gets back hopefully it will have all gone because its that self drying water...:rolleyes:

Never done wfp, got a mate who does both, he gives his customers the choice, some prefer the trad way others the wfp way. on the wfp, my aunt left her little louvre open at the top and when she came home after the windie had been the room was soaked, cant believe he done the window without closing the window. F***king numpty. she had a clean window but a ruined carpet. cheers for that.

She is a suffolk girl lives in sudbury, got a new cleaner, insists the trad way now, cant blame her.

i had a dream start today...never wfped it before and they are funny windows..i think they are supposed to be them er...self cleaning type...but boy oh boy they were a dream to clean wfp....knocked a good half hour off the job and that includes checking afterwards....

a good job i checked as the side bedroom one had a hellish streak dont know why so ...you never know...also i never wfp the sills so i really just nip up to do the sills...

on to the next job and ...result ...no one in out with banana....then on to another trad around the corner and back to check the first one..

now it was that funny:eek: glass...but its a good job i check as the fronts were terrible...but the sides and backs were okay...just goes to show...you have to be careful however you clean...

i dont know but a blade of grass on the window frame may have been a clue...

cause i was rushing like a frank and fred comedy team i fell arse over head...and my brush landed on the lawn...maybe that caused the mess or they had loads of plastering done in that room...who knows...but i love both methods...

and on to my last job.....oh....well...i had hoped she wouldnt remember my number but ,,,she did...

well it was some seven miles away but she said...the fivers been in the garage since the beginning of the month... went off to it ...traffic gridlock of two miles so off i went in the opposite direction miles ...then got it done to head home and find the traffic still the same...apparently a traveler funeral.....hmmmm i wanna finish...so which pia is going to phone email text just want me now or am i allowed some time off......happy xmas to all windys...my ladders on the wall....and my trolley lies empty...../emoticons/biggrin.png

I hate the thought of going back to trad cleaning. Also when I go back to collect on the night, I see the result of wfp and can't help but admire the results.

I hate the thought of going back to trad cleaning. Also when I go back to collect on the night, I see the result of wfp and can't help but admire the results.
Did you never admire your trad work then?

Also people say their arms are big from the pole, but opposite must be true of ladders then, calfs and thighs get a good work out from climbing up and down, big arms and skinny legs aint a good look!

Yeh, but I must admit there is no comparison. Especially on leaded light windows. By the way, for years I kept on thinking there's no way WFP can compete.

Yeh, but I must admit there is no comparison. Especially on leaded light windows. By the way, for years I kept on thinking there's no way WFP can compete.
You must still do trad for insides though?

Gonna get a wfp windie round to do my windows as a one off, see for myself that way the finish and time took for the price, live in a three bed end of terrace these days, about 12 quid trad is what i price for similar houses.

WFP all the way for me, same as above hate the thought of going back trad, such a ball ache compared to WFP.

I hate both methods with a passion. if you ask me It's about time someone finds a way that glass in windows never need cleaning that actually works. Then we will be called window frame cleaners instead /emoticons/biggrin.png
