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ever thought theres someone else cleaning one of your jobs??


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As the title says. I'd phoned up this old dear yesterday to say I was due, she said I'd already been. I said I havent, looked on the calender, it was 2 months ago, as agreed. she says oh sorry, its me im forgetful etc. Anyway, I got there and then she was thought to pay me for work done when I hadnt done it?? strange. so anyway, I did say to her and establish she hasnt got another cleaner doing the property as well. But you know what, it looked mighty clean for a 2 month gap. I do feel sorry for her and anyone when their facultys and memory etc are not so good. A lot of my customers are quite elderly, kinda makes you think to keep your mind active and keep that dementia at bay.

I've got a bizarre situation on the go at the moment. A few years ago I was asked by an older lady to clean her upstiars windows at the back of her property as they were over a large conny roof and her window cleaner at the time was a traditional guy and couldn't do them. However, he has now moved over to WFP, but she has kept us both going, me doing the backs and him doing the fronts.

Yeah I used to do some aged minor bungalows. Was doing them for about 6 months on a fortnightly bases and they were NEVER dirty...even for forthnightly! I forget how I found out but it eventually came out that she had another window cleaner. I said why do you have two and she said well I want to keep you on (as I done the frames) but the other one was a bucket Bob, the rough and ready type and she was actually frightened to let him go ?   needless to say I don't do them anymore.

I also have this one house that everytime I clean WFP, I get detergent bubbles coming out. Not sure if if from the seals or what but I've been cleaning it WFP now for 8 months so you would think they would be all flushed out now from my Trad days. Hmmm lol.
