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Has anyone mastered FB ads? I know these FB lead companies use lead forms for the best results but I'm wanting to send people to my website where they can get an instant quote so using a lead form isn't really an option.

Any tips from FB advertising gurus?

better to post your info/images in the buy and sell groups every few weeks rather than do any of the paid ads. Iv done the paid ads in the past [5yrs ago] it can work but i can get a guaranteed result everytime in the buy n sell groups-which is free ! I usually post in about 5 groups then share it slowly into the other 20+ groups in m work area over the course of a week
. If im really extra lucky i can get a post shared onto Marketplace too ,if that happens [wont let me everytime as its a service which isnt allowed] but thats the real gold . Always put my prices in every post too,non of this "pm me for a quote" - nobody falls for a sneaky sod who wont be open with his pricing on FB .
Local to me a new cafe opened early this year ,they started posting on FB but from day 1 were vague about the prices,folk kept asking"how much is a coffee? afternoon tea etc but the cafe owner would never reply! eventually they did a close up of the menu [after months!] and sure as **** it was £18 for afternnoon tea / £5.50 coffee- which is why theres nobody in the place.Soon after posting the close up of the menu they put the prices up! [£3.50 for a dog ice cream [was £2.50]
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Best option is to share a post from your fb page to a local fb page there will 1-2 for a decent sized town this will give you more exposure of 1,000's of people rather than 10's just from your own page.

Don't put prices on, it ain't sneaky at all it's good business sense not to, as almost every local window cleaner will be on those pages

You can instantly see on those pages who is desperate for work when they are writing that they have messaged the person asking about a service.

If you have a decent fb page which is updated and you have a decent amount of reviews, you'll get plenty of enquiries.
praps Sneaky isnt the right word, Hidden charges is better.Oh i know if you dont post your prices you can upsell the jobs when an enquirer gets in touch.Just my experience if a windy posts his prices it really puts the mockers on the other windys who are higher priced-they cannot get a look in .
McD Displays their prices and the nearby cafe who is higher priced cannot get a look in
praps Sneaky isnt the right word, Hidden charges is better.Oh i know if you dont post your prices you can upsell the jobs when an enquirer gets in touch.Just my experience if a windy posts his prices it really puts the mockers on the other windys who are higher priced-they cannot get a look in .
McD Displays their prices and the nearby cafe who is higher priced cannot get a look in
Talking :poop: again 🤪
Getting uppity aye iron giant - i sense you are bitter n twisted,its Very common in this trade,going sour when you should be smiling .Praps got little to smile about ?
Getting uppity aye iron giant - i sense you are bitter n twisted,its Very common in this trade,going sour when you should be smiling .Praps got little to smile about ?
praps Sneaky isnt the right word, Hidden charges is better.Oh i know if you dont post your prices you can upsell the jobs when an enquirer gets in touch.Just my experience if a windy posts his prices it really puts the mockers on the other windys who are higher priced-they cannot get a look in .
McD Displays their prices and the nearby cafe who is higher priced cannot get a look in
😩 Honestly you seem to be indicating that you are cheap running down prices in any area is bad it should be 2024 pricing not 2004 cheap prices,

People eat at McDonald's because they like eating 💩 nowt to do with the prices as they aren’t cheap these days as nowhere is, people should support smaller local businesses and the claim that a local café can't get a look I find hard to believe a good local café should be doing a roaring trade as most are.

Some of your tales have more holes in them than a string vest.
Has anyone mastered FB ads? I know these FB lead companies use lead forms for the best results but I'm wanting to send people to my website where they can get an instant quote so using a lead form isn't really an option.

Any tips from FB advertising gurus?

@TruWFP I used to find facebook adverts were good, but when they changed the page format a couple of years ago it seemed to go quite downhill. Although sometimes you'll get a call or message from an advert from weeks before. Definitely make sure you have the correct area coverage and choose your audience (mine is usually set for people above 35 for example). If you have any friends and family locally ask them to share the advert too 👍.
im not cheap ,id say im well above average in prices i just like displaying my prices whereas many windys wont.Fair play to them, what im getting at is the windys who are high pricers dont like anybody displaying prices lower than them. I wont be drawn into a war of words -having said that i have just been listening to .. love dont live here anymore by jimmy nail - dyou know the first line of it?
@TruWFP I used to find facebook adverts were good, but when they changed the page format a couple of years ago it seemed to go quite downhill. Although sometimes you'll get a call or message from an advert from weeks before. Definitely make sure you have the correct area coverage and choose your audience (mine is usually set for people above 35 for example). If you have any friends and family locally ask them to share the advert too 👍.

I agree, I had a sponsored post a few years ago that brought me in thousands of pounds of work then when that change happened the results were poor.

I’ll give it a go myself, i’m just trying to figure out how certain people make a business selling FB leads to other windys they obviously know the secret formula