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Fallen from ladder, lost confidence..


Help Support WCF:

So sorry to hear this and I hope you make a speedy recovery.

I can understand the initial outlay and then the cost of resin etc but I would see it as a small cost in comparison to your health. If you calculate how much you may have lost from being off injured and then possibly the unthinkable, it would appear really attractive to me to go WFP.

I hope you make a speedy and full recovery. 

Just be aware that I believe if you have more than 3 days off work due to a work related injury then I think you have to notify H&S exec!!!! My guess if you did that they might fine you for working off ladders when other methods are available ie..wfp!!!!

So invest in your safety and go wfp asap. Now is the time to do your research as you cant work. There is lots on info here or just ask.

I told a few downstairs residents from my customers that I can't use a ladder anymore when I was placing a board on their window sill. They seemed happy that the board deflected my pure off their windows. That's all I do now is place 6mm ply on their sill and lean it against their window. No one can argue that I'm contaminating their windows from now on. ?

Thank you for your replies, some great feedback, we think a trolley set up would be best for us. The only problem we are having is finding a reliable water supply, we would consider installing a DI or RO system at home as a van mount doesn't seem to be ideal for our round due to trailing hoses. I know our water here is hard so RO or DI?! I haven't done a lot of research on RO. Could you possibly recommend somewhere that sells a quality reliable system? Also how long does it take to filter through 400l as i think thats roughly what we will use in a day. I know i am asking a lot but i want to get it right for us. Thank you!
A Gardiners backpack mounted on a decent trolley is the cheapest option to get you going, but as for trailing hoses it's not an issue at all you will soon see the difference also if you have 4-5 terraced houses in a row and go to the back of them 20litres will do 3-4 of them upstairs only and will have to go back to the van and fill up again you will use 3 times as much water on a first clean, 

Yes ease yourselves in if for you that works best, but don't blow too much money on a trolley like Purefreedom offer over 12 years ago I spent about £1,100 for a trolley set up with 8 containers and a 18ft pole and an R/O from purefreedom 2 years ago I didn't spend much more for a 350ltr van mount fitted by PureFreedom 

Is the Council the right way to go? I would have thought your water company would be better? 
Luckily we have a labour MP that is pretty hot with issues like this. Believe it or not having a TDS reading of 900 is acceptable, very very barely, so the water company isn't obligated to change anything unless the legislation changes. 

Hi @Ainsley. I had a small fall from a ladder and was lucky enough to just injure my leg in a minor way. You haven’t been too lucky. I have rarely done much ladder work but none of my customers have ever minded me doing the tops by wfp if you need to . Briefly explain what happened and why you’re changing and even if you wfp the tops and trad the bottoms I’m sure nobody would mind. I did that for ages. I also have a few park homes that I clean and transferred from trad to wfp for the same reason as you, and apart from one who cancelled nobody minded at all. I was really worried loads would cancel but they were fine when I explained. As for making water, I have a small pumped ro system which I set up (my round is small at the moment so I didn’t have lots of funds) which is in my garage and is not difficult. Get a pole and a backpack and you’re away. Hope you are recuperating ok mate ?

best to just crack on as you were and dont overthink it. my hubby had a fall 10 yrs ago and always says it taught him a lesson to double check . He stopped doing 3 storey ladderwork a year ago after a push to take on more "ordinary houses" and wished hed done that years prior.Anyway good luck to you
The best thing is to go wfp.....if you take your business seriously...I was on ladders for 17 years and had 2 ladder falls...lucky I didn't fracture my spine second time round..I've been wfp over 10 years and earn a lot more money for shorter hours a d most importantly SAFER!??
