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Few questions hose reel and hot water related


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Okay so I was thinking of using my summer add on cash to finally get the finger out and go wfp.

Does anyone have experience with xline hot systems? I think I can get a 350 system hot with electric reels for 6k approx. I am soft water so hoping to DI fill up during day if this won't take too long?

Secondly hose reel wise do we think an electric reel is the current best way to go for speed? If so which? I know recently there have been a few more reels out ie reel master.

I want to do more work per day and looking at THE best option for speed. Whatever that may be.

Much appreciated any input.

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Cheers clisty but I ain't sure I want to go lpg that's why diesel is what I was looking at.

We get it cold up here in winter and the frost stat would help a lot.

As for diy I ain't that way inclined and wanted a pro set up if go that way.

Any other input?

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