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First Clean


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Done a first clean today and.......

One of my customers has two dogs, whilst gaining acess to the rear garden i could smell dog mess, I had a look around and could see clearly they had made some sort of effort to clean it up,( Nice big pile in the corner) I spent more time dodging the stuff, i wouldn't mind but i gave them plenty of notice in advance

No wonder they haven't had a windy for some time !!!!

I'm definitely getting the sxxx end of the stick, I need to get through the bad work to reach the good :huh:

I have a few jobs like the above described, had a new one the other day a farm house I have to go on the roof to clean 4 windows & I could smell this terrible stink ...yup cat s**t on the roof everywhere managed to avoid it

Yep, I hate dog mess. They don't clean it before I come now, I don't clean either. Might seem harsh but I'm not treading in that stuff for anyone, yuk.

Time for some rubber boots, I try to bring 2 pairs of shoes with me. One pair for exteriors one for interiors if I am doing them as well as shoe covers. Dog mess on a ladder rung is no fun, usually don't notice it till you climb down.

Good working practise is you are supposed to check the soles of your boots are not covered in mud of mess before climbing a ladder. Well that's what h&s tell us all anyways but I've done that too. :rolleyes:

Dog & cat mess winds me up no end :angry:

Doing garage near me for a guy owns a few properties I clean and it must be topic of the day cos he was on about 1 of his tenants got a new dog and he don't allow it so he's told em it goes or they do. Thank god for that I clean their windows for him lol.

bad dog owners mate and lazy every morning and night when i get home i clear my garden and swill it down in the morning its bad for the dogs and people.not only that it looks a site to see for you neighbours.dont get a dog if you cant pick the **** up simples.

I wouldn't do the job anymore it's disgusting , the most annoying thing in the world is treading on it and then going up the ladder and getting it on the ladder and then putting ur hand on it when lifting ladder on car grrrrrrrr, I also got a customer who I have had for years who has just had astro grass in the back garden and the dog has ****** on it so many times it smells off a old pissy carpet absolutely disgusting lol
