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first cleans


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So... Recently I've been getting up n running with more customers. Most have had no previous window cleaner so you can imagine the state of them.

My question is.. do you charge double or not for the first clean?

I've been there an hour each time and when your scrubbing away for like £8/ £12 for the hour. I think that's pretty ***** and demoralising.

How to customers take it saying that the first clean your charging double or almost double but then goes down to a set monthly payment after?

This is always a tricky one... Through my experiences charging double may well scare them off!. What I tend to do is say too the custy is that it will cost a little more first time round. So, for example if you had a £8 house... Charge an extra £5. I do this and after blood, sweat and tears cleaning away the customer normally gives me extra anyway!... Also... Price the house a £1 or £2 higher than what it's worth as after a few cleans you'll make up your money for the first clean. There are other ways of getting your money without going in too heavy with a first clean price. You just have to be careful with regards to how loyal the customer will actually be long term. Every now and then you get one who will P ya right off!... That's how I tend to do things...

Yeah that's kind of what I did yesterday, i had an £8 house I did yesterday and charged £12 fir the first clean. Took me an hour n 15 mins to do!

You should charge double if the windows are clearly more than just an extra scrub & occasional scrape. As long as you state to the customer the subsequent cleans will be half-priced then it should be fine.

You'll also be protecting yourself against those who just want a one off clean but won't say so initially.

The only time to not do the above is if you're starting up with no customers & have the time/desperation to acquire the customer.

Yeah I'm just starting up really. Only have just over 10 customers so really I'm just cracking on with it.. but after a few I've been thinking I'm really doing myself in here, but then think of it as it's still building my customers! . I have a minimum charge of £8 so everything is about £10 average with one being a £25 jobby every month . Was gonna head out canvassing today as havnt done it yet but it's absolutely pouring down!

I usually just tell them that I won't charge extra for a first clean like many other window cleaners do, but instead just explain that as it a first clean there may be a bit of spotting that may appear as all the dirt and previous soap is being scrubbed out.

They are always fine with this and it covers your arse until next time. If they don't like it then I would say "ok I'll get them perfect but it will cost you more"

That's a good idea, il just do a few more first cleans and see what one works best. Hopefully I won't drop anyone by having a slight price increase if I choose that way. At the moment I say I will give a 10% off on first cleans if regular clean booked .. I generally charging first cleans double with the 10% off

I have also done what Jack09 has said. I have also done just the front of the house before now...................... and then the front and back next time round. This is something handy if your in a area where you have lots of houses and your trying to get as much as you can done. This way you can break the new customer in gently... As long as you talk to the custy's and tell them what your all about. They will reward you!. Most people are hard working, honest people. You will meet one or two on the way though.... Good Luck and keep building your round. It will come!

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I always charge double for the first clean. I don't think I have had anyone turn it down yet. Its only fair. I find a bad set of windows takes me 2-3 times longer to get clean, so charging double is more then fair and I always explain that. If I get cleaning and they're not as bad as I initially thought, then I knock a little off what I said as this generates more good will. ANother time I dont charge double is if they have only just sacked thier last window cleaner. No matter how bad the cleaner was, the windows are generally not too bad.

The important things to note for me is that I'm not after the type of customer that;

...is just after a cheap 'one off clean'. I don't mind one offs, but they have to be prepared to pay more then my regular customers.

...quibbles over a few pounds.

...does not understand that I need to get a fair deal too, and make a living from it.

Charging double on the first clean weeds out this sort of person and protects you from being ripped off.

I could not have said it better myself :thumbsup:

I always charge double for the first clean. I don't think I have had anyone turn it down yet. Its only fair. I find a bad set of windows takes me 2-3 times longer to get clean, so charging double is more then fair and I always explain that. If I get cleaning and they're not as bad as I initially thought, then I knock a little off what I said as this generates more good will. ANother time I dont charge double is if they have only just sacked thier last window cleaner. No matter how bad the cleaner was, the windows are generally not too bad.
The important things to note for me is that I'm not after the type of customer that;

...is just after a cheap 'one off clean'. I don't mind one offs, but they have to be prepared to pay more then my regular customers.

...quibbles over a few pounds.

...does not understand that I need to get a fair deal too, and make a living from it.

Charging double on the first clean weeds out this sort of person and protects you from being ripped off.
I would take whatever potention new customers say to you with a pinch of salt as most will tell you porkies anyhow. /emoticons/biggrin.png

Never had a window cleaner could mean one of the following:

1. previous window cleaners dump them because they were bad payers

2. last window cleaner was messed about when they wanted them doing so dump them

3. last window clearner got feedup with asscess issues like locked gates and access to the back was too much like a pain in the arse so dumped them

Best one is I had a window cleaner but he stopped coming. I wonder why you should be asking yourself :rolleyes:

I could go on but you get my drift...

So... Recently I've been getting up n running with more customers. Most have had no previous window cleaner so you can imagine the state of them.
My question is.. do you charge double or not for the first clean?

I've been there an hour each time and when your scrubbing away for like £8/ £12 for the hour. I think that's pretty ***** and demoralising.

How to customers take it saying that the first clean your charging double or almost double but then goes down to a set monthly payment after?
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I would take whatever potention new customers say to you with a pinch of salt as most will tell you porkies anyhow. /emoticons/biggrin.png
Never had a window cleaner could mean one of the following:

1. previous window cleaners dump them because they were bad payers

2. last window cleaner was messed about when they wanted them doing so dump them

3. last window clearner got feedup with asscess issues like locked gates and access to the back was too much like a pain in the arse so dumped them

Best one is I had a window cleaner but he stopped coming. I wonder why you should be asking yourself :rolleyes:

I could go on but you get my drift...
...or you get the ones that say they only got them cleaned two months ago, but its clear its been a few years. This is a classic example of why you should charge double first time- if they are talking the truth then you can reduce it a little. But if they are telling porkies, you can't add to the bill after you've started, so you end up getting conned.

The best ones are they get you to do the first clean then move out and some don't even pay /emoticons/biggrin.png

Yep, for end of tenancy I always insist cash on the day. But that only works when they tell you they are moving I suppose. /emoticons/biggrin.png

yeh rentals are special and i insist on the money first and i do charge a lot extra as i know i wont get it in the future so its a waste of time.

...i don't charge much extra first time but i usually get extra as some people can see how hard i have worked....i am just after adding it to my list but it doesn't always work, a lot never get back. not that i am bothered its all just work to me....

thanks dave_m141 for cheering me up after doing my worstest jobs today and wondering if it was really worth the effort...mind you the weather was pants...so its better than nowt...i was just thinking about dropping the job when she came out with a cuppa....ahh how could i?..

. its three stories of little squares covered in yuk off lime trees and every square...every time ....spiders everywhere...i totally underpriced it but sometimes it happens, just waiting for one to sell and then i am off....well its connected to another and another so i have to do them...and of course railings you can't get your hands through ...well at least its done for another month...

funny enough i have a load of new ones coming up...not really discussed prices yet...probably as usual just a couple of extra pounds....i ' m too soft..

yeh rentals are special and i insist on the money first and i do charge a lot extra as i know i wont get it in the future so its a waste of time.
...i don't charge much extra first time but i usually get extra as some people can see how hard i have worked....i am just after adding it to my list but it doesn't always work, a lot never get back. not that i am bothered its all just work to me....

thanks dave_m141 for cheering me up after doing my worstest jobs today and wondering if it was really worth the effort...mind you the weather was pants...so its better than nowt...i was just thinking about dropping the job when she came out with a cuppa....ahh how could i?..

. its three stories of little squares covered in yuk off lime trees and every square...every time ....spiders everywhere...i totally underpriced it but sometimes it happens, just waiting for one to sell and then i am off....well its connected to another and another so i have to do them...and of course railings you can't get your hands through ...well at least its done for another month...

funny enough i have a load of new ones coming up...not really discussed prices yet...probably as usual just a couple of extra pounds....i ' m too soft..

We all have those jobs cnc, that we hate doing, chunter all the time we do them, but still keep going back. I have a list of at least 20 I would love to drop, but I am too soft to do it. I have put most of their prices up, thinking a few might complain, thus giving me an excuse, but they didnt mind. Trouble is, I get friendly with most of my custies which makes it even more difficult to say bye bye.

And the simple truth is that you need to cut the crap from your round to enable you to develop it.

oh i was not happy with those spiders....the babys you can hardly see and just as i polished off with my scrim they nicely die and smear right across my clean window...a bit of shouting was going on....lucky its in the country and no one about.....:laugh:

You baby spider killer you :eek:

I tend to accidently drown the little critters with the hot water coming out of me water fed pole. Oops!/emoticons/biggrin.png

oh i was not happy with those spiders....the babys you can hardly see and just as i polished off with my scrim they nicely die and smear right across my clean window...a bit of shouting was going on....lucky its in the country and no one about.....:laugh:
I had to use a pole aswell on 2 lots of Windows . That's a right Bugger for a first clean coz as I'm new to it all still. The pole is the hardest bit so maDe a right hash of it to start with. I explained though and they wer fine with it!

I hate the pole! I am gonna get a backpack for hard to reach Windows

Trad by pole is one of the most technically demanding skills to master at height. That’s one of the reasons why I use a wfp now.
